Sunday, December 15, 2002

Frugal hint of the day:
Give the gift of time for Christmas. These
Printable Christmas Gift Certificates make perfect stocking stuffers.

We had to go see Star Trek's Nemesis Friday night. Yes, we had to... John is enough of a fanatic that he always has to see the Star Trek movies on opening night. Maybe if he had waited to see the reviews, he would have reconsidered. Maybe not... He went out Thursday night to buy advance sale tickets. They had already sold out the earlier shows, so we had to go see it at 10:30 p.m. Friday night.
In my opinion, it wasn't worth watching. Don't get me wrong, I like most of the Star Trek movies and series. The thought of time travel facinates me, and most movies or shows have an underlying theme that sends a subtle message. For example, The Voyage Home, which is my favorite ST movie, was about the posible future extinction of hump backed whales, (and time travel). Nemesis had the underlying themes of the effects of cloning, and the conflicting views of behavior being determined my genetics or environment. But I felt the writing was poor, the plot wasn't developed properly, and I felt like something was missing from the movie. Without getting into too much information here, I will say I share the opinion written in
Mr Cranky's Nemesis review.

On an unrelated note, I have had a headache all day. I woke up with a headache on the right side of my head. Within 5 minutes of getting up, I had a nose bleed that lasted 5 minutes. My nose has never bled before, that I can recall. I think it may have something to do with cleaning the bathroom yesterday w/o the vent on or the window open. The fumes were a bit overwhelming at the time, and I probably damamged my sinus lining. I am alrady on pain medication for my neck and shoulder, so I've been OD'ing on Advil too, but no relief. I'm just thankful that I had today off from work, because I wouldn't have made it.

Lesson learned: Never use chemicals in an unventilated area.

The big snow storm we were supposed to get Saturday fizzled out to just a couple of inches. (Yeah!) I would imagine it is hard to predict the weather, but you'd think they would be able to give us more accurate information. Imagine if a doctor's accuracy rate was as poor as a weatherman's!

The Bills beat the Chargers today at Ralph Wilson Stadium 20-13. Travis Henry scored the winning touchdown with less than a minute to play in regulation. The game was blacked out since it didn't sell out, so we listened to it on the radio. The Bill's are out of it as far as a playoff spot, although I find it very ironic that we beat the AFC East division leader (The Dolphins) twice.

Just over a week left until Christmas. I hope everyone has their Christmas shopping almost done. I still need to get a few things myself.

Have a good week!

If you're taking the time to read this, I welcome your feedback. Anything goes, from mispelled words to your opinions; just no porn or profanity!
Thanks for reading!

Take care!
Ann Marie