Sunday, December 26, 2004

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! Big thankyou's to everyone that has contributed to my wonderful Christmas through gifts, cards and wishes! You guys are the best! {hugs}
I'm sorry I've been neglecting my blog lately. (Have you noticed that since I joined Blog Explosion, I've been calling it "my blog" instead of "my journal"? Oh well...same difference!) Part of the reason is that I have so much on my mind that it seems to go numb when I start to write a journal entry! (lol) I've started so many over the past month that have ended up deleted.

I've been considering a drastic career change, so I'm doing a lot of researching so I don't end up going down the same dead end road that pursuing my purchasing career has taken me over the past 15 months. Also in the back of my mind, I'm weighing the pros and cons of moving to Florida, but I'm getting a lot of opposition from my husband and local friends. And, do I really want to be that far away from my granddaughter as she grows up?

But, anyhow, back to the holidays. This was definitely not the "traditional holiday" for me. First off, the tree and decorations didn't go up on the traditional weekend after Thanksgiving. We didn't have much money to work with, so gifts were little and/or homemade. We didn't open gifts on Christmas Eve as we usually do. Kevin, Kenzie, and Kim couldn't make it over here that night, and John fell asleep before he even wrapped my gifts. (lol) John had to work Christmas day so he wrapped presents at 4:30 am and we exchanged gifts early in the morning.

Kevin had Christmas dinner at his girlfriend's parent's, and Kenzie had the stomach flu on Christmas so I didn't even get to see her. (I did see her last week, however, when she gave me my Christmas present early. (A 8x10 framed portrait of my favorite (and only) granddaughter!)) We had Christmas with Kim on Thursday night, and we have yet to have Christmas with Art's family.

Anyhow, Kevin brought his new girlfriend over after dinner. That was a little awkward because the last three Christmas's, Ashley has been here with Kevin. She was so much part of the family, I had even gotten her her own Christmas stocking. Did I ever show you their Christmas picture together from last year?

A picture is worth a thousand words...
Anyhow, back to this Christmas....instead of family, we had Sherry and Bruce over for Christmas dinner. They went way overboard, and buried us in gifts. Mostly lighthouse-themed for me, which included an 8 place setting dinnerware and silverware set. (Now all I need is a bigger dining room table! lol) Kevin's gifts included a lighthouse coffee table book for me and a Star Trek coffee table book for John. After Kevin left, Al and Faye were over, and they gifted me with a sewing machine! We had eggnog and snacks and talked late into the night.

Although it wasn't "traditional", it was a wonderful Christmas!

The best part of today was, of course, the Buffalo Bills's game, with yet another impressive win. This was the fifth great game in a row, with a final score of 41 to 7 against San Francisco. Drew and Lee Evans had spectacular performances. I can't help but wonder, what happened in the first four games?

Anyhow, Congratulations to the Bills!

And, finally, today's Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. holiday::season
  2. fault::earthquake
  3. beep::roadrunner
  4. bubble::boy in a
  5. needle::thread
  6. fare::ticket
  7. treat::trick
  8. express::mail
  9. webcam::camera
  10. capital::punishment

And that's it for today. And to all, a goodnight!
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