Just Rambling on
Sunday, February 22, 2004

Thought of the day:
"In three words, I can sum up everything I know about life: It goes on."
- Robert Frost

Thank you, everyone, for reading my rants about my frustration of unemployment and job searching and everything else. If you've ever kept a journal, you know that it's better to get things out instead of keeping them inside, and sometimes writing things down will provide a new prospective. It is not my intention to come across as whining or looking for pity. I really appreciate those of you that have e-mailed me and called me with encouragement and advice. You're the best!!!

For those of you that are also unemployed, or searching for a different job (shhh!), here is some advice I've gotten from network contacts, career help professionals, and friends:

  • "Remember it is not you... it is the economy. If I have 20 equally qualified people applying for a position the qualifications cancel each other out and what the employers are looking for is a personality fit for their office.... and you can't be everything thing to every employer. The right fit will eventually come."
  • "Keep a focus in your job search. It will save you time and energy in the long-run."
  • "You have to know someone that knows someone to get a job nowdays. Let everyone know you're searching, and what you're searching for. Network, network, network..."
  • "Keep in contact with your references. Get a feel for what they will say about you during a reference check."
  • "Take breaks from job searching, and do something else for a little while, then go back to it. You'll find you'll be more productive, have a better attitude, and there's no point in burning yourself out."
  • "Don't get discouraged. Remember, you are not alone, and life will go on."

    Job searching update: John has gotten only negative responses from his interviews. I have a second interview coming up for an interesting job at a great company. It's not purchasing related, but, hey, I'm exploring other options. If it's the right opportunity for me, I know I will get it.

    Thanks for reading!
    ©-ann marie-

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