Just Rambling on
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Thought of the day:
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
- Anonymous

Sunday Brunch

Say Cheese!

1. What type(s) of camera do you have?

I use an HP Photosmart camera. I also have two Kodak cameras, manufactured in the 70's, that belonged to my Grandfather. The film for these are no longer available, so I only keep them for sentimental reasons.

2. Do you store your pictures in a box, photo album or on your computer?

Pictures from the last few years are stored on the computer. I do have a couple of recent photo albums with Kenzie's pictures. However, older pictures are stored in a box and photo albums.

3. What is your favorite thing to take pictures of?

Family, expecially MacKenzie, friends, and nature.

4. What is the biggest size photo you have hanging in your home?

There's an 11x13 of Kevin from his teenage years, but most of the pictures I've taken that are hanging on the wall are in collage frames.

5. Do you like having your picture taken?

Absolutely not! I have always been very camera shy.
Job search update:

John and I are still job searching. We haven't heard anything positive yet. Since John spent so many years working as a cook and restaurant manager during his 20's, he's been applying for restaurant positions in addition to everything else. I still can't believe we're still unemployed. Our career advisor through the department of labor tells us that a lot of people aren't even getting interviews, so we should consider ourselves fortunate that we're gettting that far. With both us unemployed, I don't feel very fortunate!
Some of you may have noticed that I have made recent changes to the just rambling page. Besides changing the background color, I took the yahoo group link off, and finally updated the just me page, which is a list of 100 things about me. A couple of you have commented how I'm frequently updating the just shopping page, and I thank you, especially for your purchases from my affiliate links. I have a long time to go before meeting my quotas to get commissions, but every purchase helps me reach those goals. For those of you that are not familiar with this page, it is a page of links to places that I have personally made online purchases and highly recommend. Some are affiliate links, some are not. So, please bookmark this page, visit often, and share with your friends.
Yesterday, John and I met a friend of mine for lunch. We went to a local diner that is reminiscent of the diners during the 50's. (Before my time) We talked a lot about job searching. Although she is still employed, she has been searching for a new opportunity for a while, and we share job leads with each other. It was a nice to get out and take a break from the noisy neighbors.
Another friend gave us tickets to "Prevue Studio" for Monday night. I've never been before, but apparently, you get to preview commericials and special TV programs, and give your opinions. Another opportunity to get out of the house without spending money. We have two extra tickets, if anyone is interested.
We finally have a break from the frigid weather! Yesterday, we were near 50, and today's supposed to be a little warmer. The snow is starting to melt in areas, and I can actually see green grass. Spring is coming!

Thanks for reading!
©-ann marie-

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