Just Rambling on
Thursday, January 15, 2004

The theme of the day from is: Funky

Inspiration by Stephanie: "It could be something eccentric or campy; maybe a pair of platform shoes or an unconventional item of clothing. Or, it could be something smelly, like a pair of gym socks... Another possibility could be something music related... Show us something funky!"

Funky Fish Bowl
I had a hard time coming up with something funky to take a picture of. There's not much around here that would be considered funky, except maybe this fish bowl.

No, no, the water doesn't smell funky! (I change it often, which I believe has contributed to the fish still being around after 2 years.) But, how many times have you seen a fish bowl with a cat looking up at the fish? The fish doesn't appear to mind at all! You may think the fish's name is funky, too. His name is "Flutie Fish", named by a former co-worker after the former Buffalo Bill's quarterback.

Updates on other things:

I heard from Amy while she was in California, and she was no where near the earthquake last month. While they were there, her husband presented a short film he had produced to some company, which I can't recall the name of at the moment. Everyone is back home safely now, and I would imagine they are not enjoying this New York frigid weather.

Neither John or I have found gainful, full-time employment, but Kevin had his final interview yesterday, and things look promising. Keep your fingers crossed! He should know by tomorrow. Ashley finally found a part time job, and started the other day. No one else I know that is job searching has found anything.

I was in a very miserable mood earlier this week. I'm not getting into details now, but I just have to console myself by remembering that what goes around comes around (eventually).

MacKenzie is doing well and growing like a weed. She's in size 9-12 month clothes now. We think her evening fussiness is due to teething, which we should see any week now.

That's enough rambling for today. Hope everyone in the north is finding ways to stay warm!

Thanks for reading!
©-ann marie-

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