Just Rambling on
Sunday, July 18, 2004

Happy Birthday greetings to Kim (7/11), Charlie (7/17), Eleanor (7/18), and Sharon (7/19). I wish you all a year filled with happiness.
Thought of the day:
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
--Albert Einstein
Timesaver Tip of the Day:
When you do have a spare few minutes, chop up raw vegetables and freeze them in freezer bags. They will keep in the freezer for months, and will quickly thaw once added to soups, casseroles, or a stir fry during the week when you're in a hurry to prepare dinner. This works especially well for onions and peppers.
Sunday Brunch

It's All About Me

1. Do you or should you wear glasses or contact lenses?

  • I've needed glasses for about 8 years. I rarely wore them at first though, since they bothered the bridge of my nose, and I ended up getting contacts after a couple of years. I have trouble seeing without them. I remember one day at work, I lost a contact, didn't have spare ones with me, and had to spend the rest of the day looking through one eye to see anything. (lol)

    2. What is your favorite type of footwear?

  • hmmmm......I guess anything comfortable.

    3. What is your worst habit?

  • Without a doubt, smoking. The more times I've quit the harder it's been to quit the next time.

    4. Are you an average, so-so or very good cook?

  • I would say I'm an average cook. What would you like me to cook for you?

    5. Do you spend more time watching television, listening to music or surfing the internet?

  • Listening to music and surfing the internet, sometimes both at the same time. I listening to Dave Matthews while I'm typing this. As far as TV goes, it's usually only the news and Everyone Loves Raymond. Rumor has it that the series is ending, so I'll have even less reason to watch TV.

    It's been rainy for the past week, and calling for more rain in the forecast. Perfect duck weather. Well, maybe the ducks didn't like the thunderstorms. There seems to be thunderstorms throughout the east coast more often than normal for this time of year, doesn't there? Sharon flew to Bolaxi from Tampa yesterday and it was even storming down there. Yesterday, the lightening was so close to the house, you could almost hear the the thunder prior to the lightening flash! We lost power for a short while. Just long enough to mess up the clocks. I hope we get an improvement in the weather prior to the threat of snow! John has the weekend off for once next weekend and we're hoping to go camping at Sherry and Bruce's.

    Almost everyone that knows me knows that I love lighthouses. I have lighthouses items displayed everywhere in my kitchen, diningroom, and living room. My obsession with lighhouses started a few years ago after a weeks vacation at Golden Hill State Park. I view it as the universal symbol of hope. And everyone needs a little bit of hope in today's world.

    The latest additions to my collection came from Sherry. She bought me a handpainted egg to display, and a lighthouse clock just over a week ago. Now, I already have a lighthouse clock that John bought me for Christmas a couple of years ago, but this one is different. It has a compass for the clock face instead of a normal clock face. It has anchor and dolphins charms hanging at the bottom. And the best part is at the top of every hour, you get to hear the cry of seagulls and the sound of ocean waves beating on the shore.

    We've been spending at least one evening a week at Sherry and Bruce's, either for dinner or cards. Last night we made a night of taking turns playing euchre with their neighbors. They were over here last weekend when we had the yard sale. We didn't make a lot of money. (I, for one, only made about $10). But the weather was perfect for it, and we had fun. ("One man's trash is another man's treasure.") We're planning on doing it again toward the end of the month, depending on the weather. So, if you have anything you would like to try to sell or get rid of, and you live close by, bring it on over.

    MacKenzie's growing up fast....over ten months old already! She is very talkative (in baby language) and very inquisitive.

    That's all the rambling I have for today.

    Thanks for reading!
    ©-ann marie-

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