Just Rambling on
Sunday, July 25, 2004

Thought of the day:
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.
- Henry Kissinger
Timesaver Tip of the Day:
Don't over-schedule. Allow some flexible time for crises and interruptions.
Sunday Brunch

Goin' On Vacation

1. What is your favorite mode of transportation when traveling?

  • Well, that would depend on how far I have to travel. If it's just a short distance, I will rely on my feet. A few thousand miles, and I'll take a plane. If someone ever invents a transporter to be able to travel immediately from one place to another, I'll take that all the time.

    2. If you had the means to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

  • Probably Australia.

    3. Have you ever been to another country?

  • Yes, Canada, several times. From what I've seen, it's a very nice country.

    4. If time were not an issue, how long would could you stand to be away from home?

  • A couple of weeks maybe.

    5. What is the funnest or most interesting trip you've taken?

  • This is a good question. I've been on a lot of trips, mostly not too far from home, but they've always been fun and interesting in their own way.
    Kevin's OK, but he was in a car accident Friday. His car is another story, however. The accident happened as he rounded a curve. One deer jumped out in front of him and he swerved to miss it as he slammed on the brakes, but there was another one too, and he lost control of the vehicle and went down a 12 feet ravine sideways and backwards. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone else in the car and no other vehicles involved. He did hit a guard rail though. We found out that if you hit a guard rail you have to pay the state (or town, or whatever) to fix it or replace it. Can you believe that? The car insurance company told him that they would pay up to $1000 for guard rail replacement, though.

    We went to look at his car after they towed it and all I can say is he's lucky to be alive. It was majorly smashed in on the passenger side, one of the side windows had broken, and the frame had split. John said that my car had looked worse after my accident, but I must have blocked it out, because it amazes me, the way the car looked, that anyone would have survived.

    We were going to cancel our weekend camping trip at Bruce and Sherry's after Kevin's accident, but once we were sure he was OK, off we went. This was John's first weekend off, so we had been looking forward to getting away for the weekend. We didn't set up camp until late Friday night, so we ended up staying up until after 4am Saturday morning. We had a weekend of large bonfires, great food and great company. But, all good things must come to an end, so we had to break camp and we got back home this evening.

    But, anyhow, it's late, and the alarm clock is set for early, so enough rambling for tonight. G'night!

    Thanks for reading!
    ©-ann marie-

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