Just Rambling on
Thursday, June 3, 2004

The theme of the day from is:


suggested by: Irene

My first thoughts with this theme was to take a picture of either rain or sunshine. As you can see, I went with the sunshine. But, is one more indispensable than the other? Without the sunshine, this would be a very dark planet. Let's not even get in to all the scientific aspects of what would happen if we did not have a sun to revolve around.

Ironically, if it's a rainy day, gray and overcast, most people complain and refer to it as a gloomy day or a depressing day. But imagine life without the rain. Streams. rivers, lakes, even oceans would dry up. Plants would wither and die. Everything would be very dusty. Imagine being extremely thirsty, and not having water to quench your thirst.

If you had to give up either sunshine or rain, which would you choose? Impossible decision, isn't it?

Thanks for reading!
©-ann marie-

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