Bonsai-Kitten |
From A.I.V. hello, read this for reference/informative. Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2000 22:28:36 +0300 This is sick!! Please support!! To anyone with love and respect for life: We have a Japenese in New York who sells Bonsai-kittens. Sounds like fun huh?? No!! Its not!! These animals are squeezed into bottles. Their urine and faces are removed through probes. They feed them with a kind of tube. They feed them chemicals to keep their bones soft and flexible so that the kitten can grow into the shape of the bottle. The kitten will stay there as long ast they live. They can`t walk, move or even wash themselve. How would you feel in this situation?? These Bonsai-Kittens are becoming a fashion in New York and Asia. get an impression of the horror via: |
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