My Uncle James R. Simmermon Jr.
December 4, 1941
August 26, 1999
In Memory to my Uncle Bob who died from Pancreatic Cancer.
   My Uncle Bob was a very special person to me. We found out he had Pancreatic Cancer in 1997. He went in to have it removed surgically and the doctors discovered that it was alot worse then they had thought. They found out that the cancer was attached to his Bladder and his liver to where they were unable to remove it all. They removed what they could and sewed him back up. Uncle Bob underwent a very rough time recovering from his surgery while he was in the hospital.
     When he was released from the hospital he went back to my Uncle Prior's house(his brother), and stayed there while he recovered from the operation. As soon as he was up to par he started his Chemotherapy to try and kill the rest of the cancer. Things went well at first, but as time went on things got worse. Even though he wouldn't admit it you could see he wasn't doing well. Finally it got to where he was put under the care of Hospice and we all tried to spend as much time as we all could with him before he died. When I saw him I told him I forgave him for everything in the past and asked him to forgive himself. He told me it was okay and said he would, and hugged me and I tried very hard not to cry in front of him. It was hard for us all. One night as my mother was asleep he died peacefully in his sleep. I thank God for letting my Uncle die in peace and for helping him to bring himself over to the Lord before he died. I know he is in peace and watching over us all. I will always love him as long as I live. I only regret he isn't here to see my brother and I get married, but I know he can see it from above. Uncle Bob wherever you are I love you and miss you with all my heart and I pray that this memorial will show you as well as others how much I loved you. Amen.