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Why Baseball is Better

From Hockey vs Baseball, by Dan Shaughnessy, published in the 1992 Flyers' Wives Fight for Lives Program

1. Baseball has a natural progression toward the goal. Players advance around the bases and there is an expectation of scoring. Hockey scoring usually happens when you are tying your shoe or wiping beer stains off your tie.

2. Baseball doesn't need a Zamboni between innings.

3. Baseball has a high percentage of blacks and Hispanics. In hockey, most of the time, only the puck is black.

4. Baseball players have teeth.

5. Every American has thrown a ball or swung a bat. Less than 5 percent of Americans have hit a slap shot.

6. Hockey has ties. Imagine paying $42 for a great seat and not seeing anybody win!

7. Baseball has the seventh-inning stretch. Hockey has the rush to the beer concessions before they're shut off at the start of the third period.

8. What kind of a sport is hockey when the best players don't even start.

9. Old-time hockey scoring records were rendered meaningless by expansion and the explosion of offense. In baseball, hitting .400 has gotten harder.

10. The Alous and DiMaggios were better hitters than the Sutter brothers.

11. Robert Redford played baseball in The Natural. Ryan O'Neal played hockey in Love Story.

12. Baseball fans love to wear their team's caps. See many kids wearing hockey helmets to school?

13. Baseball fines and suspends its bad boys. Short of dismemberment, almost nothing draws a fine or suspension from NHL Bosses.

Now visit Why Hockey Is Better