Flyersfanatics Yahoo!Group

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It is being assumed that if you clicked the link from my website, you are not a member of the Group. Thus we're presenting Guidelines to you prior to entering. Please note: These rules do not reflect the founder/moderator's desire to control and censor members. They have evolved based on experiences and member requests since August 19, 1998. The founder/moderator does not agree with all of them.

  1. This Club is for the mature discussion of the Philadelphia Flyers.
    Relevant side discussions are permitted so long as they don't become the main attraction. Keep in mind that many of our members utilize the "email posts" option. Don't bombard them with off-topic messages.
  2. Try to remove previous message text from your reply to keep the file size of the email limited.
    This is another courtesy to our email friends.
  3. No use of profanity or derrogatory slang is permitted.
    This includes the use of characters to alter the appearance of words.
  4. No spam posts (defined as those designed for advertising another Club or website).
    This does not mean you cannot share your personal website with us. Two ways to do that are:
    • Adding your link to the links section of the Club
    • Utilizing a short "signature" to your post (generally includes your name, URL, and a short description)
  5. Abuse of other members is not tolerated
    This includes, but is not limited to:
    • condescending remarks
    • flaming
    • name calling
  6. Members may upload photos but moderator/founder requests that files not be created by members. Unfortunately, to lock members out of files I'd also have to lock them out of the photos. I don't wish to do this, so please respect this request.
Posts that violate any of the above rules will be deleted without warning or explanation. If your post has been deleted and you don't understand why, please contact the Group's moderator/founder via email ONLY and in a mature fashion. Posted inquiries or flaming emails will be deleted and ignored.
Members who violate any of the above rules will be handled based on the severity or number of infractions, as outlined below. No individual reprimanding is conducted. I do not have access to individual member email addresses.

Rule #Resulting Action
1Consider the post's deletion to be a warning. Multiple recurrances or member complaints may result in the permanent banning of the guilty member, without explanation.
2, 4Consider the post's deletion to be your only warning. Subsequent recurrance or member complaint will result in the permanent banning of the guilty member, without explanation.
3Post is deleted and the associated member is permanently banned, without explanation.

Member complaints should be emailed to the founder/moderator. Please include a copy of the offensive post.

These guidelines last update 1:19 PM 4/9/02 and can be changed at any time. Whenever a guideline is modified, a new post will appear in the Club.

Flyersfanatics Yahoo!Club

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