16 Beat
  Back Beat
  Could Be
  Hymn Sing
  January 95 
  Off Beat
  St. Patty   

Composed and Sequenced
by Andy Klapwyk

Hey! Andy has made a CD!!!

Come here to see!

Welcome to Andy's original MIDI collection.
The better your browser, sound card and
speakers, the better the music will sound.
All this music is copyrighted. If you wish
to use it on your website, please contact
Andy Klapwyk for permission. Here are his
conditions for use: "As far as websites that
wish to use the midi's, as long as it's a whole-
some site that could be viewed by the entire
family, and not a commercial venture it's just
fine. I usually like to visit the site personally
before I OK it. So as long as they let me see it
first I would approve it after viewing the content.
Andy--April 14, 2003"

  Two Lovers
  Fly Away
  Sax Song
  The Dance 

Guestbook removed
due to spammers.
Please email direct.

View Old Guestbook

Please do not link directly to this page.

Want to see how some websites have
showcased Andy's Original Music?

AJS Blue's Tribute To Midi Sequencers
ABC Toon Center
From My Heart
Songs For The Butterfly
Wise Hearts
Andy's Music To Take Along (a jukebox)
Poems, Music and Words for the Unicorn
Acton's Attic
Freeware Humpherlinks

You can find many more by typing Andy Klapwyk
into any search engine.

Website Design and Background by Dorothy
Updated July 31, 2004