No more shall you run around trying to find a place to put up your fan fics for the rest of the world wide web to read.
So you want to submit a fanfiction. What do you have to know? Simple! Nothing nothing at all! I just have a few rules.

1. No Hental. I'm totally against it, so I don't want it on my site. I don't mind citris (You know I love you, no I love..or kissing).
2. I accept Yaoi and yaui fanfictions as long as they don't volate guideline #1!
3. I accept stuff mainly up to and including PG-13. But If I read the fan fiction and it good, and it higher I will add it. Swearing is accpeted, no it doesn't have to be edited.
4. This last one has been debated, forever! People believe that you should keep characters in the charactistics that the creater has given them while others say have fun and make then do crazy stuff. Personally, I'll take both and I do like both kinds. Be Creative! Have fun! Go nuts! Make it as realistic or as fake as you what it to be.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Just send you fanfiction through email, cut and past it onto your email. But if you want to use html, or those other files, that will be fine too.
2. Tell me the rating, what anime it's from (if crossover say crossover!) and what kind of fanfiction ( Humor, Romance etc.)
3. If it is a chapter thing, write down what chapter you have sent.
4. I need a disclaimer. More then likely you did not create any of these characters, and I don't think you want to be sued. This is just protection for yourself. If you do not write a disclaimer, I will. But you fanfictons will not appear on the site as fast as other who do have disclaimers.
5. This is optional, if you want you can write a little blip on what the fanfictions is about.
When sending it to me, try to make it look like something like this.

Chapter: (Example: Chapter 2 of 10)
What Anime Series: (Example: Sailor Moon)
Type:(Example:Humor) *This helps what section to place them in*
Authors Notes: (If you want to add them just add them)
Body of Fan fiction:

In the event of a crossover, tell what kind of Crossover it is. Example: Sailor Moon and DBZ
When it comes to Author's names..I go on the First come, First served rule. If the name you wish to use as an author is already in use I will email you back and ask if you wish to use another name. But it may be easier if you just look down the Authors list and check before you send me your fanfiction to see if your author nickname is there. I don't want to be emailing people back and forth for a mouth or two trying to pick a name. Please include all parts to your works, so I don't have to come running back at you to get infromation. It would be great if you send us information on yourself to add to you section in the authors section, want an example? Check out The Anime Angel's or Ronald McBatman to see what I mean.
And that will be it! Simple isn't it. These might change as I find thing wrong with stuff and all that.

If you have any questions email me.

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