Here's Silly Goose's slight twist to "LOST"
LOST ( ? )
I am lost... And can’t find my own way...
All these years my grasp was tight and steady...
Maybe too much so...
Knowledge and Wisdom I kept looking for...
Bewilderment, frustrated tears... seem to be the only rewards I worked for...
But yet... I know... I know that these are only the symptoms
of Knowledge gained and not yet Wisdom, soulfully understood...
Desire I have, to flee and escape further away...
But Angels tell me, "Don’t... It will just faint away."
This invisible meal that Life conveyed my Soul to
Is not yet digested... my celestial cells await these nutrients too...
Yes, I can’t move and have to stand... And face the Realities of Life at their pace...
But what are my Realities... being seen the same by the Human race...
Can’t be... Because, Angels told me..It is not a race...
I am Unique and in this Life I was given my own pace.
LOST ( ? ) Written By: Silly Goose in thought of Cutie Flamingo
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