Brianna Noel Strickland March 26, 1991 - April 5, 2000 and brought to me in the hospital after our accident. It was as if they were sending us something to hold onto in our time of need. By Brenda Penepent For just a moment I'm sure I saw a flicker of light ahead. Perhaps it was your smile. Though past now, remembered, in my heart like the small sound of a butterfly passing by. No night is so dark that can not be brightened with memories of you. Raindrops carry along your blessings from heaven to wash away my tears and bring me hope anew. You are the diamonds in the snow, You are the sun that melts my pain, You are the gently autumns rain. You are the graceful bird in flight, You are the stars that shine at night, You were the heartbeat of my life, I wish you weren't gone.but here instead. We have you as an angel now. Blessed by the peace you bring. And.although I cannot see you. I can feel the brush of your wings. You bring me light in darkness And calmness in times of fear. And hope lives in the knowing That you are always near. Author Unknown And the photo on the right is Brianna with her other best friend, Caitlyn. Notice the similar name and ironically both of their mother's names are Tina. But in our hearts you are always there, The gates of memory will never close, We miss you more than anyone knows, With tender love and deep regret, We who love you will never forget. Let it not be said my life was in vain, I've just moved on to a higher plane. So I can keep better watch over you, As you move on like you need to do Though this life has reached an end, I'm waiting for you around the bend. I beg you please don't weep for me! It's not so bad for soon you'll see, That I will linger long past this sunset, In the hearts of you who love me yet. ~ Author unknown A link gone from our chain; But though we're parted for awhile, We know we'll meet again. with some of the pictures on this page. You are the bestest! WE CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE ON EARTH March 26, 2007 Heaven is Such a Beautiful Place Of Wonder, Love, so filled with Grace I'm Happy Mommy, and Steven is With Me Where Forever Among the Angels We'll Be And Some day I'll See You Over The Rainbow With My Loving Prayers Ann, Laurasmom You are so sad today Because it is my Birthday But please don't feel that way I have so many friends now And Steven and I are always together I am having a big party today We are all happy now, and will be forever SEE YOU SOON MOMMY LOVE, BRIANNA Sue-Anne~~~Lee'sMom Thank you so very much for these gifts for Angel Brianna!