In Loving Memory of
Billy Tyler Tscheschlog
October 7, 1988 - June 16, 2003

In Remembrance of Billy Tyler Tscheschlog

My name is Bill Carpenter and I was Billy's science teacher at Southampton Middle School last year. They say that in education a teacher should not become friends with his students that you should keep a professional distance from them. Billy T would have none of that! I say Billy T becasue thats what I called him. He call me Mr C. Each day for the last two years without fail. When Billy saw me he'd say Mr C"! and I'd respond Billy T! it became our way of reaffiming our friendship.

You could NOT like Billy T he had this gentle spirit a genuineness and a certain peace about himself. He was very friendly, happy boy. It was like a ray of sunshine when he would greeted you. Although he was a spirited fellow he had a serenity about him. Of course he wasn't perfect Billy and homework were not the best of friends. and sometimes Billy did better if you sat him in the front of the room. But Billy T was a GOOD boy!

When your in a kid business like we teachers are you always wonder how the kids will turn out. What they will become and who will they become? But we do well to also see young people for who they are right now. And Bill T was an impressive person! He knew some things about life that some of us adults sometimes lose sight of. Billy enjoyed nature and beauty. He protected living things he loved his country he lived cheefuly and happliy. He was true to his friends he helped other through acts of Kindness. In school most important lessons arne't the ones on the blackboards or in the teachers lesson plan book. Billy T's life reminds us of some of life's most important lessons.

My dad passed away a few years ago and sometimes someone will ask me if I miss him? The truth is he's not really gone. He's part of me each and every day. He's in what I say what I do and the attitudes that I have. No one is really dead if you remember them and if their influence still touches you. Bill T can be that way for all of us. I'm convinced that your personality is composite of many people who have taught you or mentored you or loved you. We can add Billy T to our own personalities. How about each day going out of your way to greet someone in a friendly caring way while speaking their name and smiling at them? That was Billy T! Put his spirit in your heart and you'll never forget Billy. and you'll honor his memory. And a little bit of Billy can live through each one of us!

"The Measure of a man"

Not how did he die? but how did he live?
Not what did he gain? But what did he give?
These are the units to measure the worth of a man
as a man regardless of birth.

Not what was his station? But had he a heart?
And how did he play his God given part?
Was how ever ready with a word of Good cheer
To bring back a smile to banish a tear?

Not What was his Church nor what was his creed?
but had he befriended those really in need?
Not what did the sketch in the newspaper say?
But how many were sorry when he passed away?

Look around this will tell you how this MAN lived and loved. Billy Tyler Tscheschlog's life was a life worth living and it was a life well lived!!


A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created

In Loving Memory of Billy Tyler Tscheschlog
on September 17, 2003
Last updated: April 22, 2009
� 2000 - 2009

Maria's Tribute to Christopher

Andrew... Our Miracle, Our Angel


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