Awards For You!
Want to win an award? Send me your name, website name and URL, which award you think you should win, and which # you want in that category. And if you want a different pic for it, please send it to me.
Rules:                                                           1. If you do not get a response from me in over a week, you DID NOT get the award or I probably didn't get the email. Chances are slim that you won't get one.     
1. Best Anime Romance        Award Pics

2. Cutest Anime                  
Award Pics

3. Most Kick Ass                 
Award Pics

4. Hottest Anime Guys         
Award Pics

5. Prettiest Anime Girls       
Award Pics

6. Most Evil                         Award Pics

7. Specific Anime                 Award Info

8. Ultimate Anime                Award Info           
9. Best Art Site                    
Award Pics
Note: To win the award "Best Art" your page DOES NOT have to be anime.