Welcome to the Anime-niac's Realm! | |||||||||||||||
Before you enter, you MUST understand the terms of agreement. If you don't, you must leave NOW. Also, this site is yaoi FRIENDLY, so if you are offended, this is your time to flee. ARE YOU AFRAID YET?!?! | |||||||||||||||
JYOU: Getting aggressive, huh, Aeva? AEVA: NEVER put me in a position of power. BWAHAHAHAHA!! JYOU: Don't do this often. ...I'm really scared now. I think I'm going to wet myself out of fear... AEVA: *runs to him* I'll hold you!! ^_^ |
ENTER | |||||||||||||||
AEVA: This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer..... 'cause Netscape is evil. -_-; JYOU: What she said. AEVA: GRRRRRRR...... |
Okay, people, here's the deal. I got an e-mail virus, see? Something went wrong, see?? Every file and folder I had in my Juno account is GONE, ya know? So, basically, every e-mail/contribution/HTML code/newsleter I've ever recieved with my Juno account before July 23 is GONE FOREVER. So if you ever sent me anything-- whether it be an HTML code, award, picture, a fanart, or a fanfic-- please re-send it to me. I'm still going to use my Juno account, but I'm going to have to get all of my lost files back. ^_^ Thanks for your support, y'all :::hugs Aeva::: Poor Aeva-chan Thanks, Jyou-kun. :::hugs him back gently::: IF YOU NEED TO SEND ME ANYTHING, E-MAIL ME HERE OR YOU CAN IM ME ON THESE SNs: AnimeDevilAeva JyouNoMegami Aevachan |