My Profile
My first school is in Sabah(East Malaysia). The school name is Sek. Ren. Keb. Gum-Gum(pronounce 'goom-goom'). Then I moved to S.R.K. Kem Kinabatangan. Both in Sandakan, Sabah.
Then I moved to Malacca (west Malaysia). The school name is S.K. Kampung Gelam. It is from standard 4 to standard 5. Then I moved again to S.K. Tehel. It is in standard 6.
I began my secondary school at S.M.K.(A). Sultan Muhammad, Malacca. It is from form 1 to upper 6. The funny things happened when after STPM is somebody put my name in the list of among the best student. Even though I got 5 P, it is not really good.
Then I go to ITM until now.