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Animated water graphic


" Annie's Awards "

Second Button

"There is no gift more precious
than one given from the heart."_mash


Since I do not apply for awards, these are very precious to
me as they are given freely.I am very honored and I
display them with pride.Please click on them to visit some of
the most incredible sites on the web.

Second Button

Spirit Sister J Award
> Thank you Jan,Redbird,Spirit^j^Sister

Second Button

Dore Award
Thank you Dore, it is beautiful!

Second Button

Thank you Judy, it's lovely.

Second Button

Thank you Ariane, It's beautiful.

Second Button

Thank you Mary, it lovely.

Second Button

HomeButton NEXT

BACKButton Email

Guestbook SignGuestbook View

Second Button

Gramma Hugs Graphics Logo Button

Geoff's Music

The midi is © Geoff and entitled Reflections, and used with
his permission. Click to check out his CD's.