<BGSOUND SRC="franklinstower.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Picture by Paula Vaughan


" Annie's Awards "
Page 3

"There is no gift more precious
than one given from the heart."_mash

Since I do not apply for awards, these are very
precious to me as they are given freely.
I am very honored and I display them with pride.
Please click on them to visit some of the most
incredible sites on the web.

Thank you Martha, it's awesome!

Thank you Martha, it's so beautiful!

Thank you Patty, it's gorgeous!

Thank you Suz, it's just lovely!

Thank you Mary, it's beautiful!

Thank you Teri, It's precious!

Thank you Linda, It's so beautiful!



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Picture by Paula Vaughan used with permission

Paula Vaughan - ArtistBackground by Gramma Hugs Graphics