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Annie's Awards
~Page 6~

"There is no gift more precious
than one given from the heart."_mash

Since I do not apply for awards, these are very
precious to me as they are given freely. I am
very honored and I display them with pride.
Please click on them to visit some of the most
incredible sites on the web.

Thank you so much Helene for this beautiful Award.
I display it proudly.

Thank you very much Marja for this lovely Award,
It is gorgeous!

This lovely Award is from 10 yr. old Danny Stomphorst,
He said it is "given from his heart" and I believe him.
It is precious to me! Thank you Danny

This lovely Rose Globe is a gift from Danny's mother Christa
It is lovely! Thanks so much.

Thank you Ian for this beautiful Award,
I am very honored and I display is proudly!

Thank you very much Patty for this lovely Award,
It is beautiful!

May 18, 2001