Annie's Awards~Page 8~ <BGSOUND SRC="overwave.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Annie's Awards
Page ~8~

"There is no gift more precious
than one given from the heart."_mash

Since I do not apply for awards, these are very precious
to me as they are given freely. I am very honored
and I display them with pride and appreciation.
Please click on them to visit some of the
most incredible sites on the web.



Thank you Bon for this beautiful Award
This is such an honor

Thank you Karin for this lovely Award
I display it proudly

Thank you Dear Shirley for this beautiful Award
I am so honored by this Award

Thank you so much lil Tree Frog
Its precious!

Thank you Dave for this wonderful Award
This is such a great honor

Thanks Sandpiper and Sky Hawk for this lovely Award
I display it with great pride






MIDI: Over The Waves
Performed by 
Margi Harrell
Please feel free to visit her wonderful site right HERE.

Special floating effect by Kurt GriggClick

March 25, 2002