" Love's Answer "
I come to you my beauty,
Out of everlasting love, not duty.
To ask the one question that will
Make life forever Spring,
With this proposal, I offer you a
A token of my esteem.
Will you take my extended hand,
Follow me into uncharted lands.
Will you leave home and host,
For a life to which we can bring
Our utmost,
All of the things of which we boast.
Precious have been the days
Together we have spent,
No more to leave as the evening
Shadows are rent,
Nevermore missing that oh so
Blissful feeling of content.
Waking to the sight of your sweet face,
Only true love could have brought
Us to such a wonderful place.
Will you sail upon my sea,
Being ever faithful only to me?
Our shadows cast as one
When the end of the day is done.
Holding ever fast to our special love,
As a bonding of two mourning doves.
If you have the slightest doubt
That my love for you is true,
I shall patiently wait an eternity
All for the love of you.
Say the magic word that will echo
In my heart "Yes"
Then together as one forever our
Lives will be truly blessed.
by Mary S. Hymel Copyright © 2001 All Rights Reserved