"There is no gift more precious
than one given from the heart."_mash

Since I do not apply for awards, these are very
precious to me as they are given freely.
I am very honored and I display them with pride.
Please click on them to visit some of the most
incredible sites on the web.

Thank you John for this lovely Award
I am very honored and display it proudly.

Thank you so much Sally, it is lovely
and I am so honored.

Oh My! I can't believe I won
the Shakespear Joust at MOR
Thank you Lady Greensleeves :)

Thank you WOSIB:)

Thank you Robert, I am honored
and I display it proudly

Thank you Dore, it is beautiful.
and I display it proudly



Shari's Designs

Original midi composition, 
"Moonlight" sequenced by © John Torp
used with permission.
