" Little Angel Evan "
Little Evan was in Heaven and then his
name was called.
Don't be afraid the other angels told him
but he was oh so small.
Suppose I just stay here," he said, For I know
this place so well!"
"It's not like I'm the only one that does in
this Heaven dwell."
But you, my son, are chosen for a
mothers' waiting arms.
She is praying for you daily and will
keep you safe from harm.
You will make your mother's heart
sing with joy.
When she finds out you're to be
her little boy.
It won't be an easy journey, there'll be
obstacles in your way.
We'll all be with you in Spirit and praying
for you everyday.
You'll enter the world just as God has
it laid out in His plans.
You'll hardly be any bigger than the
palm of your father's hand.
You may hear things that will frighten you
But do not in the least despair.
There will be those that suggest that she abort
you but you'll be in her tender care.
Doctors said you'd never draw a breath, if you
did it would be your last.
With God's blessing you were born screaming,
now all the naysayers are in the past.
So heed the lesson of little Evan and look to
Heaven for your hope.
Had it not been for her faith in God this mother
would have been at the end of her rope.
by Mary S. Hymel
Copyrighted ©2001 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
This poem is dedicated to little Evan's family.
Evan's mother had gone for a sonagram and
it was discovered that all the ambionic fluid had
leaked from her womb, except for a tiny
puddle where his face was.
Doctors advised that in these cases the baby
never makes it or if they do they die upon hitting
the air or generally have brain damage. Evan is truely
a Miracle as not only was he born screaming, he is
perfectly normal. There were many weeks in intensive
care where his breathing was monitered and his birth
weight was brought up. Now he is home with his loving family.
The Angels in Heaven Rejoice.