<BGSOUND SRC="franklinstower.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Beautiful artwork by Loren Entz
"Children are God's blessing,
given out of love_
Delightful little treasures,
sent from up above."

" Little Handprints"

Little handprints on my walls,
left there by children, oh so small.

There was a day when I would fret,
clean them off and then forget.

Now I touch them in my mind,
Wishing that just one of them I'd find.

They are all so long since gone away_
Their children now with finger paint do play.

I see them everywhere I look_
I see their mother and read her like a book.

I long to tell her "leave them there"
for one day you'll remember the
memories you share.
then you'll wish you didn't care.

I hold my tongue as mothers must do_
for raising your children and keeping your
home is all up to you.

When they come to Grandma's house and
make a really big mess_
all I can say is "Oh God, how I am truly blessed."

Mary S. Hymel
Copyrighted © 2000-2002
All Rights Reserved

Grandmothers have a time honored Quest
and that is to be the very best!

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Graphic Sets & Designs by Thelma & Louise!!! Come Visit
Artwork showcased is used with the premission
of the artist, Loren Entz.

Graphics Copyright 1999, 2000 © "Thelma 'n Louise"
* All Rights Reserved