Mama's quilts upon the line
reminding me of a much happier time
When days were long and work got done
Hearts were light, children played and dogs
were free to run
The dinner bell rang everyday at noon
Life was hard, no rest until the rising moon
Neighbors visited and brought a garden gift
Always ready to give your spirit a well needed lift
Washing done on Monday, ironing the next
Life was tiring and hard but never complex
Meat salted down in the fall and winter, then
placed on racks in the old smoke house
Often included a rabbit, quail or grouse
Children walked miles through snow to school
Obeying their teachers, respecting parents
and always trying to live the Golden Rule
Learning to make and repair farming tools
None grew up a sluggard or a lazy fool
Scent of Jasmine drifting through the house
Never once afraid of a little gray mouse
Homemade ice cream, the greatest of
all life's unforgetable treats
Tea cakes an lemonade couldn't be beat
Sunday was a day of worship and praise
Oh how I miss those wonderful days
So on a occasion I take time to reminise
Those wonderful memories of true bliss.
Sacred as the touch of a baby's kiss
I look through the Family Albums, pictures all
yellowed and read an old crumpled letter
Life back then couldn't have been any better
So if you see Granny with a far away look on her face
Know she's remembering that special long ago place
by Mary S. Hymel Copyrighted © 2001 All Rights Reserved