<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/anniesattic59/CuteHuggyBears.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
"When God lets me into Heaven I'll have eyes like this."
" Little Tucker "
Such a tiny, precious little kitty
but oh, so much more  is the pity
Born with empty sockets for you see
he has no eyes
Not even the coldest heart could ignore
his pitiful cries.
Abandoned under a  shed,
He and his brothers and sisters their little
hearts filled with dread
Such tiny hearts beating oh so brave
Praying someone their little lives
would save
So hungry and cold  they were that
faithful day
Until Christie found them and brought them
home with her to stay
Fed with eye droppers they quickly grew
Tucker was the special one in this little crew
God gave him a sixth sense so he soon
knew exactly what to do
He soon learned to find the litterbox kept
in a special place...
If you call him he will come to you, climb
up your pants leg, get on your shoulder
and nuzzle your face.
Don't feel sorry for me cause you see
The Vet told my mommie that lots
of animals are born like me..
God gives me directions so I'm able
to enjoy life and cope
One day in Heaven I'll have big
green eyes, I hope

I thank the Lord that a kind soul like 
Christie found me that day
She has such a kind heart as God
blessed her that way
I am so lucky and will never have to roam
cause this Angel took me in and gave
me a good home

Mary S. Hymel
Copyrighted © 2002
All Rights Reserved
Written for Christie
for her little Tucker
My thanks to Tee for these Graphics
made especially for Tucker
May 25, 2002
Christie was able to find homes for all the other
kittens but no one wanted a kitten with no eyeballs
so she kept him and took him to work with her everyday.
She is a Dog Groomer and he was of course spoiled and loved by all her co-workers and their dogs. Tucker has the exact same markings and color as the kitten in this graphic.
I felt so priviledged to have been able to meet this
wonderful creature and see first hand just how
remarkable he was. To see Tucker is to  see
one of God's miracles in real time.
How can one not believe in Him
once they have seen the
Thanks also to;
Tucker's Awards
Thank you Moonflower for these beautiful Awards. We are so honored. Click to view her wonderful sites.