Riemann for AntidummiesbyBruce Director
LaRouche in 2004
The Angular Determination of the Great Pyramid, by Pierre Beaudry
Living Chemistry, by Brian Lantz
How Benjamin Banneker Discovered the Principle of Proportionality, by Pierre Beaudry
The Case of Max Planck, by Phil Rubenstein
Construct a Solar Astronomical Calendar, by Larry Hecht
The Crab Nebula and the Complex Domain, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
On Polygonal Numbers, by Larry Hecht
Greece: Child of Egypt, Pt. 1
An Incredible Discovery of Archimedes, by Jeremy Batterson
On the Circles of Apollonius, by Bob Robinson
A Note: Why Modern Mathmeticians Can't Understand Archytus, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Dynamis vs. Energeia, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
On Archytus, by Bob Robinson
From Cardan's Paradox to the Complex Domain, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Gauss vs. Empericism, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The Poetry of Logarithms, by Ted Andromidas
The Well-Tempered System, by Fred Haight
The Spiral of the Primes, by Ted Andromidas
Spring Cleaning for the Mind: 'On Proof,' by Jonathan Tennenbaum
How Archimedes Screwed the Oligarchy, by Ted Andromidas
The Transfinite Principal of Light, by Jonathan Tennenbaum & Bruce Director
Don't Vote for Anyone Who Doesn't Know Kepler, by Bruce Director
Curvature: True Versus the Apparent, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The Fraud of Benchmarking, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Predictions Are Always Wrong, by Phil Rubenstein
The Importance of Good Maps, by Bruce Director
Hypergeometric Curvature, by Bruce Director
How to Purge Your Mind of Artificial Intelligence, by Jonathan Tennenbaum & Bruce Director
The Circle Is Not Simply Round, by Bruce Director
Archimedes and the Student, by Bruce Director
Dance with the Planets, by Bruce Director
The Importance of Keeping People in a Healthy, Unbalanced State, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Where Are You? [Gauss' Geodesy], by Bruce Director
How Aristarchus Measured the Universe, by Robert Trout
Why Kepler Thought Well of Copernicus, by Robert A. Robinson
Heraclides of Pontus Was No Baby Boomer, by Robert Trout
Leibniz and Dynamics: A Dialogue, by Phil Valenti
Can There Be Any Linearity At All? by Phil Rubenstein
The Astronomical Origins of Number Theory, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Beyond Counting: A Preparatory Experiment, by Bruce Director
The Epinomis and the Complex Domain, by Bruce Director
How Kepler Changed the Laws of the Universe, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Higher Arithmetic as a Machine Tool Principle, by Bruce Director
The Simplest Discovery, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The Paradox of the Poncelet Vanishing Point, by Pierre Beaudry
What Counts, or How Your Days Are Numbered, by Bruce Director
The Curvature of "Rectangular Numbers", by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The Divine Proportion of Machine Tool Design, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Circular Action and the Fallacy of "Linearity in the Small", by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Demystify the Golden Section, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Incommensurability and Analysis Situs, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The Refraction of Light and the Circle, by Larry Hecht
Measurement and Divisibility, by Bruce Director
Plato's Meno Dialogue, by Sylvia Brewda
An Exploration of the Relationship Among Number, Space, and Mind, by Larry Hecht
Mind Over Mathematics: How Gauss Determined the Date of His Birth, by Bruce Director
How the Greeks Measured the Invisible, by Pierre Beaudry
Motion Is Not Simple, by Jonathan Tennenbaum
Demonstrate the Principle That Measurement Is Hypothesis, by Larry Hecht
Prime Numbers, by Bruce Director
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