Anya ( The Other
One ) is a collection of poems by Rajendra Kishore Panda in original Oriya ( a major Indian
language ) — It is poetry of love : with all its quest, evocation, ecstasy,
anguish, complexity, mystique, myth, surrealism, history, philosophy, metaphysics
and fantasy. The 'feminine' force is manifest here in variegated
forms, which is eventually rendered to a state of pure 'divine'.
Anya is the matrix. Rajendra Kishore, a recipient of the Sahitya
Akademi (National Academy of Letters, India) award, was honoured
by the Bharatiya Bhasha Parishad, Kolkata, India for Anya. Poetry and
art have a creative symbiosis in Anya.
Rajendra Kishore has edited web-anthologies of Indian Poetry (in English translation) and Indian-English Poetry.