Today Lupin's Feeling:
Email Lupin
Behind the Insanity

The Library
The Gallery
Total Randomness
Anime Archive

Inside the Mind of an American Girl
Orion's Nebula
Hell's Convicts
The Garage
The Inter-Dimensional Portal
Behind the Insanity - For you nuts who want to know more about me...
Updates - My updates for my page. However it is not always up-to-date as I rarely remember to update it.

The Library - This is my FanFiction Archive. It  holds mine as well as other people's works.  Feel free to email me if you would like to have yours added.
The Gallery - This is an of site link where I put up my art.
Anime Archive - An ever growing list of my anime.

Inside the Mind of an American Girl - The link to my blog. This one I update with quizzes as I take them.
Orion's Nebula - My most used of my blogs/journals... Its insanely easy to update... ^.~
Hell's Convicts - Group blog with my best buddies. Kinda insane. ^.~
The Garage - My supposed supplement to this page on another server. >< Not that it's any good, mind you.
The Inter-Dimensional Portal - My links page, for when you want to escape.