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The guiding principles for Alpha Rho Lambda Sorority, Inc. and our Hermanas are Academic Excellence, Community Service, and Sisterhood. It is the tenet of Sisterhood that bonds Hermanas from all over the United States and around the world and that which called all of us to join a sorority. When a young Latina decides to attend college she is faced with many obstacles: being away from home for the first time, making the transition to college, and making new friends. We know how hard it is to attend school away from home, especially if it means being away from family and not knowing anyone. Alpha Rho Lambda provides Hermanas with a sense of family, especially for those who are away from home, and encourages us to succeed academically and personally. The unconditional support Hermanas receive from La Alianza helps during the college experience and lasts a lifetime. Hermanas of Alpha Rho Lambda serve as a support network for one another. We have an array of Hermanas in various careers and they offer guidance for many of the undergraduate Hermanas as well as support. Many Hermanas have served as mentors for Hermanas in helping them apply to graduate school, find jobs in various areas, and also provide support during the transition into the "real world". Epsilon Chapter is comprised of many Hermanas from different parts of Texas as well as Mexico. We are looking for strong women who are interested in our three tenets--Academic Excellence, Community Service, and Sisterhood--and also in refining the leadership skills that will allow them to contribute to Epsilon Chapter, La Alianza, their academic institution, and the San Antonio community. If you are interested in obtaining further information about the Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Rho Lambda Sorority, Inc., please take a moment to complete our Contact Form. |
Alpha Rho Lambda Sorority, Inc. |