Aqunas College Web Log
Tuesday, February 26, 2002
      ( 7:18 AM ) sunil joseph  
I should have posted this yesterday, coz this is yesterday's log. Anyway a girl's grandmother died and within no time everyone in my class was out. To give them credit many of them went to her house and showed respect. I heard that our Principal was in a bad mood yesterday. I don't know why!!!! If you want to know you ask him..........
P.S: My study leave has started, so there is no way I am going to know what is going on at college ;-)
sooo good bye for some days.... #

Saturday, February 23, 2002
      ( 7:48 AM ) sunil joseph  
Welcome to the Aquinas college web log. This is the first post. Here I am trying to put up all the happenings of my college. i will try to keep it up to date. As today is a holiday there is not much to tell. So, seee yaaaaaaa all later..... #


This is the log book of Aquinas College. I hope to update this every working day with the happenings of the college

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