
The man only thinks what sees in a net mental attitude,

for that reason always has denied the possibility of another type of life.

The certain thing is that the being could not survive if this were thus.

Other parallel currents of life to the human exist although not vean.

Teofrastus Bombastus Von called Hohenheim Paracelso,

was one of the most famous doctors in Europe in century XVI;

it wrote; an immense work that includes medical, alquímicos, philosophical and theological treaties including "the book of the Nymphs, the Silfos, the Pigmeos,

the Salamanders and other spirits" published in 1591.

this last book were inspired Goethe, the brothers Grimm and Heine to make their works.

Today, to four centuries of this, still the man does not know many things of this current of life.

Trataré to give in this note the evolutionary scale of these beings to whom we called elementary.

Rudimes: They are the beings with I will treat less evolution of all the scale. They correspond to the Astral plane. They measure 2.5 cm. of height. Intelligence and conscience lack.

They work in groups of a thousands, move constantly, managing with its movement to increase the frequency vibratory of vegetables.

They feel group love and towards the vegetal life.

They are fed on the frequency to be able. They are in physical plane around a month soon to go to the astral plane by ten years.

Unites: They measure around 5 cm. Remain l year in physical plane and 100 years in plane they astral.

Trabajan in groups and they form within these, sub-groups. They have a little conscience already and they form pairs.

In the pairs of the elementary ones they interchange to be able.

Make a draft: They measure between 1 and 2 inch, live 5 years in physical plane and soon they are transferred to the astral plane by 500 years.

Different elements commanded by the fairies work.

Nomenes or Gnomes: 25 years in the physical plane live and soon they go to the astral plane around 1000 years.

The ground and the roots of the trees work giving them to be able.

They make its houses in the trunks of they trees.

Poseen medium intelligence,they have appearance of old and they are very graceful.

The first times that happen in this plane make it remote

of the man since it is not to them easy to adapt to the frequency that we handled,

much less support the noises of the cities.

They are very resemblance in conducts to the children since usually they are very traviesos

Make a draft: They measure between 1 and 2 inch, live 5 years in physical plane

and soon they are transferred to the astral plane by 500 years.

Different elements commanded by the fairies work. Nomenes or Gnomes: 25 years in the physical plane live and soon they go to the astral plane around 1000 years.

The ground and the roots of the trees work giving them to be able. They make its houses in the trunks of they trees.

they have medium intelligence, they have appearance of old and they are very graceful.

The first times that happen in this plane make it remote of the man since it is not to them easy to adapt

to the frequency that we handled, much less support the noises of the cities. They are very seemed in conducts to the children since usually they are very jokers.

They work remote of the man, in the clear ones of the forests or mountains.

They guide generally in its tasks to Minutes and Unites; they generate circles of being able within which one works.

They model its own bodies according to the acquired power,

and is a pride for them the beauty degrees that are obtaining, since this is product of its work.

They are around 500 years in physical plane; they decide when to return, but rare time they do it before the 5000 years.

In the time that passes in the astral plane transform into FARES or FAIRIES, that already belong to the mental plane, and that we will see more ahead in detail.

We must much learn of these beings since the harmony and the work are their style of life.

They enjoy when they have made well its task, they respect the times of recreation and play gladly, soon to return to the work in the same state.

Many classes of hobgoblins exist.

They are those tiny beings who, according to the popular folklore, live between the flowers,

of the forests, and it is not necessary to confuse them with the gnomos,

because hobgoblins has magical powers like the nymphs or the fairies.

The color of its skin can vary: there are them blue, green and red, but most frequent they are those

than they are looked like the man, although very many smaller.

Their houses are often great mushrooms, and is very difficult to locate where are their tiny towns.

Tiny as far as the size of its houses, but not in population, because to duendes it enchants to them to live in great communities.

If you want to look for them is not simple, but either no possibility; because like the fairies or the nymphs,

feel weakness by the children, because at heart they are young, and is easy to find them if conserves that spark of childhood in your inside,

that light of innocence and fantasy; then you can arrive to see them and to enjoy its company and wisdom. Duendes is magical beings and they like to transmit and to teach their magic, but so that it happens, you must be of pure and noble heart

A British writer indicated in one of his books: "All the nature is full of invisible people. Some of them are ugly and evildoers, other jokers of bad intenciòn or.

Many as beautiful as nobody have never dreamed... and the beautiful ones do not walk far from us when we walked by splendid places and in calm... "

"Everything is full of Gods", said old the Greeks as well, for those who the Nature,

the Physis, was animated in all its corners by spirits and deities, having a holístic understanding (global)

of the alive organism that was the Earth (Gea, the Great Mother), theory recently revived by ecological

groups like the "Gaia hypothesis", in which the man totally is integrated with the rest of the natural life,

instead of the open confrontation that occurs at the moment in our culture, threatening ending not only with the nature but the own man.

That, sure if the nature does not end us before... Then: for Greek the man, it leaves from the natural world,

it had a familiar deal with those forces that animated and represented the elements, the Earth, the water or the plants.

It practically exists a myth for each plant, river, source, forest and corner of helenas earth.

In the idyllic plains of the Arcadia the mortals sighted without greater difficulty to Faunos, Silvanos and Silenos, the spirits animals guardians of the forests that the tradition has consecrated with horns and back quarters of goat.

It is his pattern Bread, that without a doubt all we have seen represented touching his flauta, siringa, dreamed music that Debussy reproduced so well in its "Prelude to the siesta of a Fauno"....

From the beginnings of well-known history, the tiny or gnomos beings have occupied an important position in the popular cultures of the world.

Formerly, when all tree had a name, when each servant was recognized individually, the gnomos progressed and they were multiplied in the field and the villages.

It was known them and it named by its own name and were numerous and very powerful, they played a very important role in the daily life. In those times,

the men did not consider the absolute owners of our planet.

The world was populated not only by the humans but also by the giants, Gods, monsters, ghosts, spirits and elfos

, much of so ready, powerful and strong them like the same man.

With the diffusion of the Christianity, the belief in the spirits and "false" the Gods was disappearing, but in spite of all they they continued having contacts with the humans.

The elfos are sad, vindictive, heavy, joking or full spirits of hatred, depending on the circumstances, polifacéticos like the own nature.

A ' fauna considers itself psíquicá that takes multitude from forms, appearing like iridiscentes beauties,

or old with hump, like goats, lobsters, cats, stones, plants, even like gusts of wind. They reach measures that go from the stature of a man to the smallness of which they can hide after a grass string.

They are not generally subject to the material laws of our existence and sometimes they have the virtue to travel instantaneously through the dimensions and disappear suddenly.

Due to these properties and characteristics it has been always difficult them men to be able to see the elfos.

The young poets, the videntes, the healers, the magicians, the alchemists, or those that are equipped with the call

' Third eye and are peacefully with their natural surroundings, have been the one who historically have had more opportunities to make contact with enemy with the gnomos and other elfos.

The stories of these encounter in the beginning were transmitted by the oral tradition.

The hallucinogenic or poisonous drugs, along with complicated rituals of initiation and experimentation,

have been long time being used ensure communications with the fantastic elfos and other beings;

but all the descriptions agree in which the main previous requirement to be able to see them is to have a certain emotional affinity, something as well as a kinship of blood with them.

Nevertheless, the sexual relations or of another class with the elfos have been described like very difficult to maintain, due to the existence of numerous taboos.

Only as of century XIX they began to transcribe narrations of older oral histories and to put record of them by means of the writing, and thus they have been conserved.

Now which the gnomes have retired and dissuaded before the man, because of their noisy and contaminated cities and of all the damage that the humans cause to the Nature, still it is more difficult to make contact with the enemy with them.

Many stories of recent encounter are so fragmentary that easily they forget and who they really are with elfo, incline to think that its experience was only one chimera or that the imagination played bad a last one to them.

He is something difficult to try to explain, or to speak on beings who are not spirits,

neither angels, nor human, but, who, nevertheless, have something of all of them and but. We can give the generic name of elementary, spirits him of the nature. All they inhabit the Magical World of the Fairies.

We can communicate with them? Although, the man has caused damage in the nature, forcing them to hide itself in the forest or forests, many of them coexist and serve with affability the humans.

In order to communicate to us with them, we must love everything what it surrounds to us. According to the occasion and the circumstances they can appear and not give us account, since it has the virtue, to choose the form in which they were, that it can be resemblance to the own nature, or, in form of a stone, a tree, an animal, a plant and also with human appearance. These beings, speak, ***reflx mng themselves, are prudent, poor, rich, wise and crazy, like we. They are the crude image of the man, pure and impure, better and worse virtuosos and vicious people.

Domestic servants

They live in the interior or the environs of the houses. They were centuries ago inhabitants of rustic, wooded and mountainous zones,

living in interior of caves and grottos, until some of them, approached human homes, first by curiosity and soon with the only objective to amuse itself.

They are pronounced preferredly at night.

It has approximately 50 cm of stop and are of human aspect.

They go out at night and it enchants to them to amuse itself at the cost of the sleepers, bothering them and scaring them,

although to some, it enchants to them to collaborate with the men in the tasks domestic servants.

Its name according to some students of the subject comes from the Arab to duar, who would be translated like: the one that lives or inhabitant.

They are small duendecillos, with aspect of devil, that are not bound to a house, but to a person, to which they help, turning it its owner. They are tie to the witchcraft.

Hobgoblins Of the Dormitories

They belong to a strange family of hobgoblins, aggressive and individualistic, cause nightmares and they choose like its victims, to women and children.

Màgicals Beings

Hobgoblins is supernatural beings, without soul and of variable slight stature between the 30 cm and the meter of height.

They have a generally benevolent attitude with the human beings, for whom they make domestic works or in the fields in exchange for a little food.

Most of Hobgoblins they inhabit in the forest,

having like house the interior of some tree or, even, in the Earth subsoil, within some cockpit or cavity.

Their customs are nocturnal and have an extremely susceptible character that leads to them to adopt contemptuous or hostile attitudes against the men who offend to them Have abilities such as to merge,

to become invisible, to happen through the eye of the lock, to imitate the sounds of the animals and to be made feel,

touching to a human being with its hands, producing to him a chill the nature of duendes is distributed between the one of the man and the one of the angel,

in equal parts, for that reason they can mold his bodies at will. Or they are provided with powers and talismans to be able to make all class of spells In the mythology of each region have occurred very different names them according to the language,

the religion or the folklore, but it is generally known them to comprise of the elementary beings. Some can get to live up to 500 years kobgoblins usually are traviesos,

joking and shameless; they are almost always of the good humor, although they exist duendes of evil nature able to untiringly torture a man Exist several classes of hobgoblins,

among them we can find to the gnomes, that they act like guardians of the nature to which they protect setting up the human beings apparently natural obstacles. <bgsound src="//www.oocities.org/third_millennium_sounds/I_Dream_Of_Jeannie.mid" loop="INFINITE">