• Canon Law and Common Sense
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Refutes charges that traditional Catholics are "outlaws." Also demonstrates that too-literal application of the Code (a la "Home-Aloners") would eliminate every sacrament but baptism in danger of death. (Sacerdotium 7, Spring 1993)
    [25 Nov 2000]
  • Russia and the Leonine Prayers
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    The Prayers after Low Mass and Fatima. Origins and purpose of the prayers. Is the St. Michael Prayer connected to a vision? Did the Church's enemies suppress a "prophetic" version of it? Church law and the obligation to say the Leonine Prayers. Substitution of other prayers. (Sacerdotium 5, Autumn 1992)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Baptism of Desire: An Exchange
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Debate occassioned by Fr. Cekada's earlier article, "Baptism of Desire and Theological Principles." Objections answered: Is rejecting the teachings a mortal sin? Different theological categories? What about "Unanimity"? Was Fr. Feeney a "theologian"? How are baptism of desire and blood defined? Does this contradict Trent? Fundamental error of Feeneyism: Rejecting the rules for belief laid down by Vatican I and Pius IX. (Email exchange: March 2001)
    [16 Aug 2001]

  • Baptism of Desire and Theological Principles
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    The main problem with the Feeneyite position: A rejection of the universal ordinary magisterium and of the fundamental principles by which issues in Catholic theology must be decided. With chart analyzing the teaching of 25 theologians on baptism of desire and baptism of blood. (Conference notes: July 2000)
    [7 Feb 2001]

  • Was Fr. Feeney's Excommunication Doubtful?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    (Sacerdotium 14, Spring 1995)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter: Some Salient Problems
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    (Sacerdotium 14, Spring 1995)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • The Apostasy of John Paul II: A Catholic Response
    Most Rev. Daniel L. Dolan
    John Paul II is an apostate because he is an ecumenist. The consequences: Separation from the Church, loss of authority, promulgation of apostasy as the rule of faith and discipline. Theological problems with SSPX's response. Conference, France, August 2000. (SGG Newsletter 52 supplement, Autumn 2000)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • The Magisterium of Vatican II
    Rev. Curzio Nitoglia
    The errors of Vatican II and John Paul II on (a) personalism, (b) the 'extension' of the Church to non-Catholic sects, and (c) collegiality. (Sacerdotium 13, Autumn 1994)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • The Pius XII Reforms: More on the "Legal" Issue
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Stability and the legislator's intention. Principles and precedents for the Novus Ordo in the Pius XII reforms. Indefectibility. Are you "pope-sifting" à la SSPX? Are you disobedient to lawful authority? "Last true pope" principle is impossible to apply consistently. (Internet, 11 July 2006)
    [11 Jul 2006]

  • Is Rejecting the Pius XII Liturgical Reforms "Illegal"?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Why the general principles of church law allow us to reject pre-Vatican II liturgical changes that were the work of Annibale Bugnini, the modernist who went on to create the Novus Ordo. (Internet, 27 April 2006)
    [1 May 2006]

  • The Pius X and John XXIII Missals Compared
    Most Rev. Daniel L. Dolan
    A comparison of the Missals of Pope St. Pius X and Pope John XXIII
    [3 Oct 2004]

  • Pre-Vatican II Liturgical Changes: Road to the New Mass
    Most Rev. Daniel L. Dolan
    The modernist hand in the Pius XII and John XXIII liturgical changes that paved the way for the New Mass. Response to SSPX program to implement these changes in the U.S. (The Roman Catholic. June 1983)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Liturgical Revolution
    Rev. Francesco Ricossa
    Details on the deficiencies of the 1955 Holy Week rites and the John XXIII reforms, including testimony from a conservative Vatican II liturgist on the bad effect of these reforms. (The Roman Catholic, Feb-Apr 1987)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Glory into Shame
    Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
    The priest scandals are the result of loss of faith, repudiation of traditional spirituality, denial of hell, psychology, death of outrage, no objective morality, no more anathemas. Something is indeed deeply wrong. (MHT Letter, March 2002)
    [9 Oct 2002]

  • The Ottaviani Intervention: Short Critical Study of the New Order of the Mass
    Cardinals Ottaviani, Bacci, & Roman Theologians, translated by Rev. Anthony Cekada
    The definitive English translation of the 1969 critique of the New Mass that rallied the traditionalist resistance. (TAN Books, 1992)
    [22 Mar 2004]

  • Did Paul VI 'Illegally Promulgate' the Novus Ordo?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    SSPX, The Remnant, and countless traditionalist groups have claimed that Paul VI didn't follow the correct legal procedures for abolishing the old Mass and promulgating the New Mass. Fr. Cekada explodes this myth and lays out the consequences. (SGG Newsletter 49, February 2000).
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • The Ottavianni Intervention: Its Enduring Value
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Scholarly history and analysis of the "Short Critical Examination of the Novus Ordo Missae" that Cardinal Ottavianni submitted to Paul VI. Preface to Fr. Cekada's definitive English retranslation of the Intervention published by TAN Books in 1992. (Sacerdotium 14, Spring 1995)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Sunday Obligation: How to Reassure Newcomers
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    (Sacerdotium 14, Spring 1995)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Fighting Scrupulosity
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Short resume of the rules for combating this difficult spiritual affliction. (Pamphlet, 1985).
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Natural Family Planning: On Recent Condemnations of NFP
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    A priest and seminary professor answers the lay "experts" who condemn NFP as sinful. Resume of general principles, requisite conditions and gravity of obligations. (Pamphlet, September 1998)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Why Do Good Priests Leave Bad Impressions?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Don't drive newcomers away from the traditional Mass. (Sacerdotium 11, Spring 1994)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Still Null and Still Void
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecrations. Replies to objections from Br. Ansgar Santogrossi OSB, Fr. Pierre-Marie de Kergorlay OP and Fr. Alvaro Calderon SSPX against Fr. Cekada's study "Absolutely Null and Utterly Void." (PDF, Internet, January 2007)
    [20 Jan 2007]

  • Why the New Bishops are Not True Bishops
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    In March 2006 Fr. Cekada published "Absolutely Null and Utterly Void," a lengthy study demonstrating that the 1968 Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal Consecration is invalid. This article is a two-page resumé of the original study. Photocopy and distribute! (SGG Newsletter, October 2006)
    [19 Nov 2006]

  • Absolutely Null and Utterly Void
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration is invalid. The consequences: Benedict XVI and the rest of his modernist hierarchy are not realbishops, and ordinations conferred in "Indult" organizations are invalid. Examines the criteria for validity, Eastern Rite formulas, ancient Christian texts, early doubts about validity, "governing Spirit" vs. "fullness of the priesthood," substantial change, arguments from context, papal approval. Answer to SSPX/Angelus and Sel de la Terre articles by Fr. Pierre-Marie favoring validity. Extensive bibliography. A monumental study. [PDF, Internet 25 March 2006]
    Télécharger en PDF
    Un bref résume du problème, Télécharger en PDF
    [29 Mar 2006]

  • Untrained and Un-Tridentine: Holy Orders and the Canonically Unfit
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    The problem of untrained traditionalist clergy. (1) Canonical criteria for determining fitness for priestly ordination. (2) Sinfulness of conferring orders on the unfit. (3) Orders conferred by the unfit enjoy no presumption of validity. (4) The unfit may not exercise their orders. (5) Objections and answers. A major canonical study. (Monograph, 2003)
    [27 Apr 2005]

  • Traditional Priests, Legitimate Sacraments
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Divine law obliges traditionalist priests to confer sacraments, and renders their apostolate legitimate. Human ecclesiastical laws which would otherwise forbid this have ceased due to the apostasy of the post-Vatican II hierarchy. (Monograph, July 2003)
    [2 Aug 2003]

  • The Validity of Ordination Conferred with One Hand
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Did Abp. Lefebvre confer a 'dubious' ordination? A thorough and scholarly examination of the issue in light of moral theology, history, Eastern rites, canonists, and papal practice. (Booklet November 2000)
    [16 Aug 2001]

  • Resisting the Pope, Sedevacantism and Frankenchurch
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    A short case for sedevacantism. Can one recognize and then 'resist' a true pope? The nature of heresy. Ratzinger's 'Frankenchurch' heresy that denies an article of the Creed: I believe in one Church. (Remnant, November 2005)
    [5 Dec 2005]

  • The Bellarmine 'Resistance' Quote: Another Traditionalist Myth
    Rev Anthony Cekada
    Analysis of a passage in St. Robert Bellarmine on 'resisting' the pope that traditionalists have misinterpreted for decades. (St. Gertrude the Great Newsletter, October 2004.)
    [28 Aug 2005]

  • Sedevacantism Refuted?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Some common objections: Conclave rules, public and notorious heresy, declarations and the Bellarmine "resistance" quote. (Article, August 2004)
    [30 Aug 2004]

  • Have I Rejected the Pope?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Letter to The Remnant giving a short explanation of the pope issue. (Letter, May 1992)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Did Bellarmine Condemn Sedevacantism?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    How SSPX, The Remnant, others, use a quote out of context. (Sacerdotium 12, Summer 1994)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Is Sedevacantism 'Pope-Sifting'?
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Systematic refutation of an SSPX apologist's critique of sedevacantism. (Sacerdotium 16, Spring 1996)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Sedevacantism: How to Tell Aunt Helen
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Letter to a priest about a pastoral approach to the pope issue. (Sacerdotium 15, Autumn 1995)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • An Objection to Sedevacantism: Paul VI as 'Patriarch of the West'
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    refutation of an SSPX apologist's critique of sedevacantism. (Sacerdotium 16, Spring 1996)
    [31 Dec 1969]

  • Bp. Williamson's Mentevacantist Error
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Ratzinger a heretic? "No," says Bp. Williamson of SSPX, "he just has a sick mind..." However: (1) The "sickness" — faith without certitude — proves Ratzinger is a heretic. (2) The modernist Ratzinger is condemned as a heretic by his own oath. (3) A crazy pope loses office. (4) Bp. Williamson confuses the sin of heresy (no warnings needed!) with the crime of heresy. And... a word on the SSPX "party-line" mentality. (Internet, September 2006)
    [26 Sep 2006]

  • The Legal Status of SSPX and Its Former Members
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    What type of organization is the Society of St. Pius X according to the principles of canon law? Is it really something like a religious order? Do priests who leave it become "public sinners"? Response to a commentary by SSPX seminary rector Rev. Peter Scott. (Internet, August 2006)
    [9 Sep 2006]

  • Letter to Ten-Year-Olds Who Just Want to Be Confirmed
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    An SSPX District Superior requires that confirmands from sign a lengthy oath against Fr. Cekada et al. (Pamphlet, March 1990)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Letter of 'the Nine' to Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
    Nine American Priests of SSPX
    March 1983. Outlines serious problems in the Society: (1) Use of priests ordained with the doubtful Novus Ordo rite. (2) Imposition of John XXIII 'liturgical reform'. (3) Expulsion of priests. (4) Usurpation of teaching authority of the Church. (5) Loyalty to SSPX replaces fidelity to principles of the Church. (6) SSPX's acceptance of the bogus modernist marriage annulments. This letter led to the expulsion of the signers from SSPX one month later. (The Roman Catholic, May 1983)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Consecration certificate written in Abp. Thuc's own hand
    Archbishop Thuc
    Facsimile and translation of Latin text written by Abp. Thuc on Oct. 18, 1981, the day after he consecrated Bp. Moises Carmona, from whom Bp. Dolan derives his episcopal orders.
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Canon Law and Common Sense
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Refutes charges that traditional Catholics are "outlaws." Also demonstrates that too-literal application of the Code (a la "Home-Aloners") would eliminate every sacrament but baptism in danger of death. (Sacerdotium 7, Spring 1993)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • The Validity of the Thuc Consecrations
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    Examination of 1981 episcopal consecrations of three traditionalist priests by Abp. P.M. Ngo-dinh-Thuc, retired Archbishop of Hué, Vietnam. (Sacerdotium 3, Spring 1992)
    [25 Nov 2000]

  • Pius XII, Excommunication, and Traditional Catholic Bishops
    Rev. Anthony Cekada
    It is erroneous to maintain that a 1951 decree and a 1958 encyclical of Pius XII excommunicating bishops in Communist China would apply to traditional Catholic bishops of our own time. Introductory Note. Text of Decree and Encyclical.
    [25 Nov 2000]


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