page seeks to be a contribution, a humble intent to build a free,
responsible and mutually binding world.
this page you will find: interest pages addresses, documents,
campaigns, and organisations, which work daily in these objectives.
action radio is the Northwest region, in the province of Buenos
Aires, Argentina: municipalities of Malvinas Argentinas, José C.
Paz and San Miguel.
this phase of the capitalism where everything seems to be gobbled by
their rolling advance: cultures, utopias, animals and plants, see
each other in the obligation of building alternatives which have
been founded in the principles of the limitless defence of the man's
right, defence and preservation of cultures, respect to the natural
biodiversity and participant democracy.
World Social Forum, gathered in February of 2001, marks the road,
the will of thousands of organisations that propose us an objective
in the diversity and respect:
Another Word is possible and we all are responsible for building it.