Welcome to my home. Feel free to look around and make yourself comfortable.

it is the dragon that rises
and with her beauty surprises
all the gods of the heavens and more
enchanting them all with her voice
not giving them a choice
to listen to her elegant score

This is an childhood picture of me and my friend, Igor.

This is a more recent picture of me.

the beautiful dragon made of jade
had the voice of pureness and easily made
all other beauty, goddessly or mortal, pale
For in her presence all was stale
Nothing could compare to her elegant state
Nothing ever could compare without any debate
She shone like the stars in the sky
Her radiance made the coldest ice melt, i do not lie
To be with her would warm my heart
And with that memory i shall never part.

This is my mate Gorkus.

my singing dragon made of jade
no matter what i would have stayed
with you and only you. i swear
for our souls together, no one can compare

View My Old Guestbook

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook View My Spiritbook

Try to sign my book because I like to know who stops by. Also I would like to wander around your home, ifn you have one.

These lead to the rest of my family.

Some of my fantasy family
My adopted pixes
My pets

These lead to other rooms in my den.

My treasures
The room of peace
Thoughts on school
My snowglobe collection New!
The awards I have won
My lost awards
My Store New!
Coming soon--Mother's artwork

These lead to my poetry rooms.

Dragon poems
Scottish poems
Poems from a friend
Friendship poetry

These lead to my work in The Fight Sites.

About The Fight Sites
Deputy Aurablade
Fairy Aurablade
My Spirit Page
My Spirit Charms
My Spirit Flowers
The Holidays
Fairy Welcome Gifts

These lead to info about my human side.

Coming soon--Clan Bruce
Coming soon--Clan Beall (Bell)
Coming soon--My Geneology
Coming soon--Lady behind the dragon

Keep your eyes open for flying dragons because you'll never know when one will drop by.

� 1997-2005 singndragn@aol.com
Okay I don't want to step on anyone's toes, and I want to give credit where credit is due. I have found most of the pictures that are on my site, and do not take credit for them. I would like to give people credit for thier work, if I knew who created them.

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