Drakesland Calling A Draka Page For GURPS Welcome to Drakesland Calling, an alternate-alternate history web page for Drakaphiles and Drakaphobes alike. | First, some hat in hand, humble disclaimers. S.M. Stirling is the creator and author behind the Draka and the Draka Novels (Marching Through Georgia, Under the Yoke, The Stone Dogs, and Drakon.). Luftwaffe 1946 is the creation of Ben Dunn and Ted Nomoura and is published by Antarctic Press. This page is not intended to violate anybody's copyrights, etc. etc. ad nauseum... Next, certain things about the Draka and Luftwaffe 1946 may be offensive to some people. That is not the intent of this web page. This is a page for role-players, alternate historians, and fans of the Draka Novels. Period. MAIN Nuke 'em From Orbit AMT's Personal Home Page : Home of Draka FanFic Baen Books - for Obvious reasons Write to S.M. Stirling - Creator of the Draka Draka Cables - Possible property of Ingolftech? German Armed Forces in WWII The Luftwaffe Heraldry Homepage The Luftwaffe Resource Page The Luftwaffe Page (12 O'Clock High) Antarctic Press - Publishers of Luftwaffe 1946 |