by A. Price

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of BTVS. They belong to Joss Whedon and Co.

Summary: A short mushy piece from Spikes POV, the morning after "Finally"

I'm in shock when I roll over in the bed and she is still here. She's lying next tom me with a sweet smile on her face, while she peacefully sleeps. I put my arm around her pulling her closer to me. She stirs a little bit,but is soon sleeping peacefully snuggled firmly against my chest.

I was afraid that she wouldn't be here this morning. I thought that sometime in the night she would wake up running, having decided that this was a big mistake. Butshe is still here. Buffy is here. No longer "Slayer" she is Buffy to me now. My Buffy.

She is so different from Dru. Dru was my dark princess. Buffy is...well she is my golden princess. She is fair and happy and strong and ...sane. She has brought the sun, that had been a stranger to me for so long back into my dark life.

I'm still not sure how this happened. I am supposed to kill slayers afterall. But as I watch her sleep, I know I could never harm a hair on her head. I have turned in to a lovesick puppy, and I don't care. I love her.

She stirs and looks up at me with a happy sigh then says "Good morning! Merry Sunshine!" She is smiling that beautiful smile at me. I am thinking to myself "Shes awake, and she is happy to see me!" I can't believe my luck.

"Good morning luv" I tell her smiling like an idiot. I can't help it, she does that to me. She is stretching now, shyly covering herself with the blankets. She is so sweet and innoncent looking lying here.

She gets out of bed dragging sheets wrapped around her. She bends down to retrieve her clothes which seem to be all over the room. She starts to leave the room, I am frightened "Is she leaving?" I ask myself.

I get up the courage to ask "Where are you going?" She turns with that smile again,"I'm going to shower, I noticed you had the utilities turned on"

Relief! She's not leaving. "Yes, I thought guests my enjoy electricity and running water" I tell her.

I hear the water running, she seems to be humming to herself in the shower. She looks happy. I only hope she is as happy as I am. Shr comes bouncing back into the room after her shower. She is wearing her clothes from last night, her hair is wrapped up in a towel on her head. I watch her as she combs out her wet hair.

She comes and sits by me on the bed. I put my arm around her , she leans her damp head against me. I have to ask her "Buffy, do you have any regrets?"

She looks up at innocently and asks "About what?"

I roll my eyes at her "You know." I try to sound annoyed while suppressing a smile.

"Oh, you mean about sleeping with a blood sucking fiend?" she says with a grin.

"Yeah, that would be it!" I have to smile.

"Nope, not one." she replies as she leans up and kisses me full on the lips. "Now, what are we going to do today?" she asks sweetly.

"It will have to be an indoor activity." I say with a sly smile.

"Indoor, um ... let me think" she laughs. Its that soft melodic laugh that could make the hardest heart melt, well it has done that, if I had a heart.

Last night she wanted to know what this was between us. Now I need to know that it means as much to her. "I love you Buffy" I whisper into her damp hair. She looks up confused for a moment "Spike...I..." her voice trails off. She can't say it yet, but she will. I kiss her and lay he down gently on the bed.

"Is this a proper indoor activity?" she teases me.

"I'm not sure how proper it is" I tease her back.

She pulls away from the kiss. She sits up and takes my face in her small hands "Spike" she says softly. I am afraid of what she is going to say, I answer in a whisper "Yes."

"Spike, I love you, too." she says softly smiling at me. These have to be the sweetest words I have ever heard in my life. Her lips find mine again and we are soon lost in each other. Later, I realize I am the luckiest guy alive... or , um...undead?

The End

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