It Will Happen

By A.Price

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of BTVS. I only like
to reaarange their lives for them. They belong to Joss Whedon and Co.

It Will Happen
by A. Price

Buffy went up to the door of the mansion and knocked lightly. She
had not been here for awhile, she had not seen Spike since the morning
she had left the mansion. No one answered, he was probably out, eating
she didn't want to think about it. She turned to walk away.

Spike looked in the windows of Buffys house. She didn't seem to be
home. He had already looked at the Bronze for her. She was probably about it. He turned to walk away.

Both parties on this walk home, were deep in thought and nearly
bumped into each other. Buffy looked up and smiled at him. "I just
left your house. I went to thank you for the book."

He was much happier to see her then he let on. Cooly he said "The
thank you is overdue a bit, you've been gone for 2 mont...Well you've
been gone for awhile." There was no sense in letting her know that
he knew she had been gone exactly 2 months and 12 days, but who was

Buffy just smiled at him "Okay, my manners are bad. But I am getting
reprimanded by Mr. Rudeness himself" she laughed.

"Your forgiven, walk back with me. Whats going on?" he asked her
as they walked.

They got to the mansion. Spike told her to wait outside. "Something
isn't right, did you go in Slayer?"

"No, I just knocked on the door. It wasn't open before." said Buffy
in a whisper.

"Wait here" he cautioned her and entered the mansion. He found two
former minions waiting on him. "Hello boys" he greeted them.

"Spike this isn't a social call. We've come to give you a warning.
We know you sided with the Slayer against Angelus. You seem to be
getting a little too chummy with her. It needs to stop now." said
the bigger of the two.

"Boys, did you really want this world to end as we know it? All this
free food. I've got the slayer where I want her." his voice was full
of malice. He grabbed the big one by the shirt collar, "Do you really
want to tell ME what to do?"

"We're just bringing the message Spike. Sorry it has to be this way.
I used to admire you." said the bigger one as he and the smaller one
started to punch Spike in the stomach and face viciously. Spike was
a fighter, but this wasn't a fair fight.

Buffy had been listening outside, she barged into the mansion. She
prayed she was right about Spike, that he was lying to them about
having her where he wanted her. She staked the big vamp and he
turned to dust. Spike disposed of the other one.

Spike stood staring at her for a moment. He had forgotten what a
worthy opponent she could be. He finally spoke "I told you, to stay

"Sure, you could have handled them both, I'm sure." she said
sarcasm dripping.

"Thats not the point. I"m sure there will be more visits now. You
are not good for my health Slayer." He sat down, his face was a bloody

Buffy came and sat next to him. She touched his bloody lip and
under his eye. He flinched a little. "Its my turn to nurse you."
She got up to find some bandages.

She came back with a damp cloth and some bandages. She gently cleaned
the blood from his face. "Does it hurt?" she asked softly. "A little
bit" he admitted. He thought to himself "But not so much now, with
you touching my face, I hardly notice the pain."

"Well, that looks better. Who were they?" she asked curiously.

"Just some of Angelus' men. He had quite a following you know?" He

"I didn't realize how much trouble you would be in. Maybe you should
leave Sunnydale and go some where safer." Buffy said with concern
in her voice.

"Well, Slayer if I didn't know better. I'd say you care." Spike
said in a slow drawl.

Buffy looked at him "You did help me Spike, I owe you for that."

Spike bent forward and kissed her gently on the forehead. She didn't
move. He moved down to the tip of her nose, he opened his eyes, she
was still there! He then kissed her gently on the lips, she didn't
leave, but she didn't give into the kiss either. He pressed a little
harder on her lips, she hesitated then gave into the kiss.

Buffy broke the kiss and looked at him "We can't do this" she said
catching her breath.

"One good reason why, please?" he asked her in a soft voice.

"Its not right. I love Angel, you love Dru. Your a vampire, I am
the slayer. Does any of this ring bells for you?" she stood up
and glared at him.

Spike stood up "Buffy we feel something for each other. You can't
deny it. I know I can't, I tried to tell you. I don't love Dru. I

Buffy turned to him her voice almost a whisper "But I still love him."

Spike felt like she had staked him. His first impulse was to shake
her, make her somehow love him. He thought to himself, "I need to
be patient with her." He pulled her to him and just held her there.
"Buffy, I am willing to accept that you love him. But he's not here
I am. He hasn't been gone that long, eventually you'll just have
his memory, it won't be so bad. He's not here, I am. Just give me
a chance." His voice was so gentle, she almost didn't recognize it.

Spike wiped a single tear from her cheek. He smiled at her, she
returned the smile. "I don't have a clue, what I am doing anymore.
I can't promise anything Spike. I can't have you feeding off of

"I've been a good boy. Since you left, I've developed a taste for
the little woodland creatures that live on the grounds. I haven't
been feeding in Sunnydale." Spike crossed his heart as he spoke.

"Really?" Buffy asked skeptically.

"Really" he answered her with a big grin "Just don't tell anyone,
I have a reputation you know."

She laughed out loud, the sound made Spike smile. He drew her into
his arms and kissed her. This time she kissed him back easily. She
pulled away and told him she had to go now.

"Now, pet, after we've come to this, this understanding" he asked
hoping she would stay.

"Now, my Mom is expecting me. And how would I explain you? I don't
understand it myself." she explained as she walked to the door.

"You'll come back?" he asked angry at himself that he sounded so eager.

"Sometime, I'll surprise you. Please be careful." she told him as she
kissed him on the cheek and went out into the night.

Spike closed the door, he put his hand to his cheek where she had
kissed him. He was thinking "She's giving in to this, it could
happen. It WILL bloody well happen!" He walked upstairs a huge
smile on his face.

The End
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