A little survey I took, online...or random crap about me.

 1.  First name: Alli
   2.  Were you named after anyone? nope, Alli is short for Allison, which my parents thought was an original name.
   3.  Middle name: not telling
   4.  Last name:Thresher
   5.  Birthplace:BayShore NY
   6.  Location: snottyashell CT
   7.  Height: 5'4''
   8.  Shoe size: 9-10
   9.  Hair Color: blond
   10. Eye Color: blue/green
  11. Pets: none
   12. Siblins: Tom, Liz, and Will
  13. What time is it right now? 5:26
   14. Last CD you bought: hmmmm...too long to remember...I think it was Creed
   15. Last Movie You Saw in a Theatre: Dogma (good
   16. Last Movie You Rented: don't remember
   17. Favorite School Subject: they're all pretty cool, no i'm not a geek, it's true
   18. Do you actualy like math?:Hell no, that's the one I don't like
   19. Who is Your Best Friend?: Whitley
   20. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:he's in the rainforest right now...I''m serious
   21. What is his/her name: not telling those who need to know do
   22. What Languages do you speak?: English,
French, and some phrases in German
   23. What do you look for in a friend?: people who don't suck
   24. What do you look for in a
  Boyfriend/Girlfriend?:good personality, not a stereotype, and a hella body...j/k..I'm not sure
   25. Have you ever smoked?:  yup
   26. Have you ever lied?: not a big one
   27. Do you do drugs?:  every day of my life
   30. What is your favorite sport?:  watching...USMA football!  Go Army!
   31. What is your GPA?: this quarter? around 3.9_
   32. Are you on any sports teams?:  softball
   33. What is your favorite place to vacation?:
france is cool
   34. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?:i don't eat ice cream
   35. If you are a girl, what makeup do you wear
         Foundation & Powder:  don't wear it
         Lotion: don't wear it
         EyeShadow: dark grey
         Lipstick & Lip Liner:silver
         Shampoo: I don't pay attention
         Conditioner:  same as shampoo
         Body Wash: I use normal soap
   What do You think of:
   36. Bill Clinton: icky
   37. Abortion:  pro-life...but not fanatic
   38. Teenage smoking: whatever
   39. Eating Disorders: they're awesome! jk what kind of question is this?
   40. Rap: nowadays..really sucks.
   41. Marilyn Manson: he sucks so much it amuses me
   42. Boy Bands: to look at or listen to?
   43. Premarital Sex:  not my thing..but what other people do is their business
   44. Titanic: Sucked the big one
   45. Rape: bad  
   46. Suicide:bad
   47. South Park:  kinda ok
   48. Summer: whatever
   49. Ryan:  I'll let Ada answer this
   50. Amanda:  only met one I could stand, oh yeah, and my little cousin who's cute
   51. Justin:  hmmm...they're was that one I had a crush on when I was little who I'm still in love with...in general..they're always tall
   52. Tiffany: stupid name...no offense to anyone.
   53. Paul:  neutral
   54. Stefani:  I call her steve
   55. Brian: only ever met two cool ones
   56. Jenna:  ones i know are a bit um snotty
   57. Now what time is it?: 5:34
   58. Phil:  barf..especially that villager guy.
   59. Did you dress up for Halloween?  hell's yeah
   60. What CD(s) is in your Cd player right now?:
probably songs from the musical the capeman
   61. Do you have a job?  3 non-paying ones
   62. What college do you go to, or want to go to? 
 I have a comfortable list of 6
   63. What does you school look like?  a country club
   64. What is your religion?: catholic
   65.Do you got to a public or private school? 
   66. What is your favorite day(s) of the week? 
   67. Do you go to summer camp?  I worked at one for a few years
   68. If so where? a slave labor institution known as the YMCA
   69. If you were to hold your own concert, what five
  acts would you invite?
         Marc Anthony, Metallica w/orchestra, Korn, Jars of Clay, Silverchair
   70. What is your favorite color?  black
   71. Do you want to get married?  absolutely
   72. What is something you do that pisses you friends
  off?  they all love me no matter what...there's one right there
   73. What's your favorite magazine?  not sure...vanity fair's pretty good.
   74. Favorite holiday? Halloween, I guess
   75. Do you have stuffed animals? Tickle me Elmo and Cody, plus Eyeore
   76. Pepsi or Coke?  either
   77. David Letterman or Jay Leno? neither
   78. Backstreet Boys or *N Sync:  if it has to be
 one or the other then Backstreet Boys
   79. Spie Girls or All Saints: they SUCK!
   80. Matt Damon or Ben Affleck:  Ben...Matt reminds me of my cousin
   81. Beverly Hill 90210 or Dawson's Creek:  Dawson's totally bites, the old 90210's are a must for softball season
   82. Seveth heaven or Party of Five: NEITHER
   83. Diet pepsi or pepsi one:  both
   84. Brandy or Monica: neither
   85. Apples or oranges:  apples
   86. Chocolates or flowers:  flowers
   87. Vanilla or chocolate:  depends
   89. Balck or White:  for what?
   90. Boys or Girls:  men
   91. Tommy Hifiger or Ralph Lauren:  neither
   92. Nike or Adidas:  neither
   93. Saved by the Bell or Usa High:old saved by the bells
   94. I Know What you Did Last Summer or Scream: 
Scream..it's sooo funny
   95. Taken or Single: every man on the planet wants me
   96. Sugar or Salt:  salt
   97. Silver or Gold:  Silver
   98. Jerry Springer or Ricki Lake:  RIcki
   99. Oprah or Rosie:  Rosie
   100. Gym or Lunch: hmmmmm
   101. Ever been to England?  no
   102. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?NY, then Paris.
   103. Are you a vegetarian?  yup.
104. Know anyone who is?  Ada, we're not invading
   105. If you could move anywhere in the world where
  would it be?anywhere but here
   106. Do you want to join a sorority or fraternity
  in college?  no, i don't think so
  107. Inside Joke: peein yo pants is the coolest!  Honey did you drink enough fluids...are your milk duds floating?  20min!!!  There's a hamster stuck in my wall and it's going to die!
 108. What time is it now?  5:43