

A View of Menzoberranzan

Sorn looks towards your party, "So ye wish to gain knowledge about our fair city. Very well, Menzoberranzan is home to around 20 000 drow, not including the non-drow residence. Races from all over Faerun find their way here to Menzoberranzan. Despite it's beauty, I must warn thee, if you are going to explore, for it is a very dangerous place. You would be wise to keep a hand on thy weapons always, for you never know when danger will pop from around the corner."

Map Of Menzoberranzan


TIER BRECHE: This cavern holds the famed Drow Academy, where drow of all ages start and continue their various trainings in the ways of Lloth, fighting, and wizardry magic. The three buildings (Melee-Magthere, Sorcere, and Arach-Tinilith) found here in Tier Breche are perhaps the most famous and distinctive buildings in all of Menzoberranzan. Arach-Tinilith, shaped in the form of a spider is the place where all priestess of Lloth recieve their initial training. Sorcere, the many spired building is where the wizards and mages of Menzoberranzan begin and continue their studies in the magical arts, Melee-Magthere, the pyramid stucture where the cities fighters are trained, make up the triad of stuctures that make up the Academy of Menzoberranzan.

QU'ELLARZ'ORL: This plateau within the great caverns of Menzoberranzan is the location of some of the proudest and powerful noble houses within the entire city. Screened from the rest by a forest of mushrooms, it is separated from the rest of the city. Other than the houses, patrolling warriors, the Ruling Council's meeting cavern, and the mushroom forest, nothing else is located in this area. The main houses located here are Baenre, Xorlarrin, Agrach Dyrr, and Mizzryn. All of these houses sit upon the ruling council, with House Baenre stationed as the ruling house in all of Menzoberranzan. The council's meeting area is a cavern off to the side of this great area.

NARBONDELLYN: This is considered the wealthy district of Menzoberranzan. Many noble houses, as well as merchants and moneylenders reside here. Two of the most influencial merchants (Mritt Shadalun and Hondel Belek'tyr) reside within the Narbondellyn section of the city.

WEST WALL: Many ruins of former noble houses are located within this section, most notably that of the former ninth house, House Do'Urden (home to Drizzt). Taking residence in a destroyed house is not permitted by Lloth, at least not for many years. The House Duskryn Compound can be found within this section. It is located just north of the great chasm, the Westrift. This is also an area where many old and proud non-noble families reside, and indulge in gaming, and other facilities. A business that does flourish here is Elstearn's Escorts, which provides drow of either sex to accompany clients on their travels throughout the city.

MANY FOLK: The largest area in all of Menzoberranzan, is the home to the common folk and is where most of the business, and inns and taverns can be found. Narbondel, the great stalactite, which acts as the time clock for all of Menzoberranzan is located within this section of Menzoberranzan. Everyday the Archmage of the city preforms a routine in which a rising heat is sent into the time clock, and rises with each passing hour until it reaches the peak, in which it then begins to decrease. Those with infravision (drow, and other races) can easily tell the time by looking at the level of the heat.

THE BAZAAR: The Bazaar is the center of the trading within Menzoberranzan. Here one can find many items being sold by practially anyone, drow or non-drow. Sometimes, humans from the surface will come and bargin for certain goods. One must be wary though of this area, for sometimes, these bargins can end with one of the barginers lying dead on the ground.

EASTMYR: The poorest section of Menzoberranzan. Many non-drow also reside here, along with criminals and failing merchants. It is not uncommon to see a group of noble drow preforming a hunt within this area, tracking prey that sometimes are drow themselves.

THE BRAERYN: The slums of Menzoberranzan. This area is also known as "The Stenchstreets"

DONIGARTEN: This area is an area which is dominated by the large underground lake of Donigarten. This is where the food that Menzoberranzan eats is grown, and raised. Within the center of the lake resides an island, in which rothee are raised and bred.

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