
Name: Kryten 2X4B 523P
Age: ???
Type: Service Mechanoid
Birthday/Birthplace: Created in 23?? at Diva-Droid International
Relations: Known relations were Able. Unknown relations are all other droids in the 4000 series.
Marital Status: N/A
Rank: Service Mechanoid
Likes: Serving the Red Dwarf Crew, Doing the Laundry, Sleeping and watching andriods.
Dislikes: That is not in his programming....yet!
Skills: Can pilot Starbug and passed pilot's examination. Speaks fluent Esperanto, Gelf, and many other languages. Excellent Cook. Can play the Piano, taught by Ace Rimmer. Can also attach various extensions to his groinal socket and alternates as superb vacuum cleaner.
Hero's: Ace Rimmer. WHAT A GUY!
First Love: Camille
Alter Egos: Jake Bullet, Sammy the Squid, Bongo. He was also human for a little while.
As said before. Kryten is a mechanoid. A series 4000 to be precise, therefore, any other series 4000 mechanoid is his realtive. However, his relatives may not have corrupted files like he does and therefore make not call you a SMEEEE HEEEEE!
Holly - The ship's computer.
Lister - A Human male, JUST!
Cat - A lifeform that evolved from Lister's cat.
Rimmer - A dead/alive Smeghead. Depending on series.
Kochanski - A human female, with all those inny and outty bits that Mr. Lister likes!
Kryten starts life in Red Dwarf as a Series 4000 mechanoid with a problem. He'd been
programmed to serve but he doesn't have anyone to serve - his previous crews on the
Nova 5 were skeletons with about as much meat on them as a Chicken McNugget. The
Dwarfers redeploy him on their ship - Rimmer, in particular, taking advantage of
Kryten's handy 'I serve therefore I am' philosophy, gives him a planet-sizes list of
domestic chores.
Fortunately for Kryten, Lister takes him under his wing and teaches him how to rebel.
No longer a silicon doormat, the rubberised robot ditches his frilly apron, paints a
portrait of Rimmer on the toilet, mounts Lister's bike and turns into Marlon Brando in
The Wild One.
Kryten returns in Red Dwarf III with a mid-Atlantic accent and a body made of
reinforced plastic, becoming an integral part of the crew. Rimmer even attempts to
teach him to fly Starbug 1, but nerves play merry hell with Kryten's anxiety chip and he
ends up taking the ship through a Time Hole and onto another version of Earth. Since
these shaky beginnings, however, Kryten has gone on to become the team's most
resourceful member.