Family Sanctity

(This is a true story)

(Webmasters' note: No names are given here, in order
to protect the innocent from revenge actions by the System,
and to protect the guilty from violence by others.)

In an un-named small city in upstate New York, a
married couple with one son were planning their first
vacation together since they met. They were going to
Florida for two weeks, and the wife was going to meet
her in-laws for the first time.

As they were scheduled to arrive in Florida on the
day of their 5th wedding anniversary, the man had
arranged a surprise. As the family got off the train,
the woman was going to be presented with a bouquet of
roses by a man singing "Happy Anniversary."

This planned event never came to pass. Two weeks before
the start of their vacation, the man awoke in the morning
to find that his wife had died in the early hours of the
morning. She had been epileptic most of her life (she
was 31 years young), and had, according to the autopsy
report, had a seizure during which she vomitted, and she
choked to death.

Several months later, the man was building a successful
in-home business, when a worker at the day care center
decided she wanted to adopt the son. Knowing the man
would refuse, she called the State of New York Child
Abuse Hotline, and reported that the man had beaten
his son.

The case worker assigned to investigate the complaint
ordered the man to take his son to the hospital to be
examined. The man complied, knowing the charge would
be proven false. Instead, the doctor, who was under
contract with the local Child Protective Services,
claimed that he found "significant bruising" on the
childs' back and buttocks, and the case worker wrote
in his case notes that he, the caseworker, had taken
pictures of this bruising.

After the boy was taken into protective custody and
placed in foster care, all on the basis of this case
workers' statements (the Family Court judge didn't see
the pictures until nearly a year later), the father asked
to see the pictures, and was refused. Instead, the case
worker informed him that his son had accused him of sex
abuse (the boy had just turned 5 years old).

To make a long story short, the father enlisted the aid
of another man he was introduced to specifically to deal
with this situation. The two became fast friends, even
to the point of considering each other family. The Child
Protection Service then took that mans' children from
him, making similar sex abuse claims. Together, the two
men file a civil rights lawsuit in the Federal District

The suit was dismissed only because they could not figure
out how to break the "qualified imunity" of the child
protective workers, several of whom were by then involved
in the case. That "qualified immunity" assumes that the
case workers are only doing their jobs, unless concrete
evidence to the contrary is produced.

However, the suits' paper chase provided enough data
in the form of legal briefs, answers to causes, and
evidentiary case notes, for the two men to request
"fair hearings," that is, to have the case heard on
a point by point basis by an administrative law judge,
and to bring up clear evidence of false allegations in
the family court.

The evidence, including the pictures, showed that there
was no beating, no sex abuse, NO ANYTHING!

In this manner, the two men got their respective children
back. Most of the people involved on the side of "the
System" were either fired or transfered to different
jobs; one child protective supervisor wound up on the
lowest level of the Medicaid department.

But the laws have not changed
significantly! This and other forms of systemic abuse
still occur on a regular basis! And not just in New
York, but thoughout the country! THIS MUST STOP!

Donald Charles Rice Jr.

(If anyone has current information on
Child Protection laws in any state,
or on any current systemic abuse cases,
please e-mail me!)
Count Brass

Broward County Sun-Sentinel published an excellent series
beginning with:

"Too troubled for foster care, kids grow up in institutions"

From the New York Times, May 13, 2001
Adoption Scandal At Hale House

The St. Petersburg Times has published an article
on a family tragedy caused by the system entitled:
Mothers' fears, welfare's limits collide"

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