Show quality means, the
rabbit must meet the standard of profection
as best it can, with
no disqualifications, and with as
less faults as possable.
NEWLY PASSED NOV 2006 and eligible
to show in February 1st 2007,Sable point.
A Mini Rex must be a minimum
of 2 but not over 3 3/4 pounds as a junior. Senior weigh for
does is 4 1/2 and 4 1/4 for bucks. The fur is one of the most
notable features of this breed extremely plush, silky, and like
velvet. The Mini Rex doe can be breed anytime after the age of
4 1/2 months old. But I like to wait tell 5 months or older. Bucks
are known to mature later, at 5 months.Ears shouldn't be over
3 1/2" in length. Another good thing to remember is the fur, Just
because the fur is so soft and beautiful to you, doesn't mean it's
a great fur. I have found that getting the right fur in this breed
is hard. It's not just the color you are working with, but the
weather, feed and care also makes a difference in the fur. It's hard
to get that prime fur just before that big show. Frustrating when
they blow coat right before a show. A broken and blotchy coat isn't
pretty to show.I recommend getting the standard of perfection, and
reading about the breed if you're interested in showing. There is a
lot to learning the body type and learning to correctly pose a rabbit.
Do a lot of reading. I do my fair share, and I'm only writing a small
amount of the information here.
In Mini Rex there are many colors and I plan on dealing with 3 mainly,
the tri and the blue, and Red. I also have REW, Sable Points, Seals, Sable and Smoke Pearls.
H&H's BoBo Kity |
H&H's Sealma |
H&H's Creamkorn |
C-S Pop Korn |
Sweetbrier's Pearl |
Daffodils Luke |
Hanson's Barbra |
H&H's Tooter |
Becky's Sealable |
Becky's Sealvo |
Tarmans Dillon |
Beal's SV2 |
H&H's Aneal |
Becky's Sealvo |
H&H's Sable |