Delerium - nee Delight - The Youngest of the Oldest

"Delerium is the the youngest of the Endless.  She smells of sweat, sour wines, late nights, old leather.  Her realm is close, and can be visited; however, human minds were not made to comprehend her domain, and those few who have made the journey have been incapable of reporting back more than the tiniest fragments.  The poet Coleridge claimed to have known her intimately, but the man was an inveterate liar, and in this, as in so much else, we must doubt his word.  Her appearance is the most variable of the Endless, who, at best, are ideas cloaked in the semblance of flesh.  Her shadow's shape and outline has no relation to that of any body she wears, and is tangible, like old velvet.  Some say the tragedy of Delerium is her knowledge that, despite being older than suns, older than gods, she is forever the youngest of the Endless, who do not measure time as we measure time, or see the world through mortal eyes.  Others deny this, and say that Delerium has no tragedy, but here they speak without reflection.  For Delerium was once Delight.  And although that was long ago now, even today her eyes are badly matched: one eye is vivid emerald green, splattered with silver flecks that move; her other eye is vein blue.  Who knows what Delerium sees, through her mismatched eyes?"1

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Delerium doing what she does best - collapsed on the floor at the beginning of the 'Brief Lives' storyline
Delerium searching, lamenting and generally representative of herself (insomuch as 'she' is).
The Youngest of the Oldest in happier times - a reflection of Delight from Destiny's Garden.

Delerium with Barnabus, her newfound Guardian, given to her by a Black Sheep.

The same face, a single thought with a Delerious edge.

1. Neil Gaiman, Sandman, 21, 1990, page 10.


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