Deep inside the world so old,
Ancient intelligences survive.
Contained within the hot and cold,
In strange places, they are still alive.

Ythogha bound in sunken Yhe,
Chaugnar Faugn waiting on the Plateau of Tsang.
Iod in the planes we cannot see,
Cthulhu in ancient R'lyeh, long untrodden by man.

Shudde-M'ell deep beneath the world,
Y'golonac trapped behind some distant wall.
Yog-Sothoth outside space and time was hurled,
Glaaki resides within a lake emitting his dread dream- call.

Tsathoggua sleeps in dark N'kai,
Ithaqua stalks the uncharted stars.
Ghatanathoa held in Yaddith-Gho, bane to human eye,
Vulthoom waits entrenched on distant Mars.

All waiting for the stars to come right,
They all sleep, yet thrive.
Until the arrival of that awful night,
In strange places, they are still alive.

Copyright 1997 Peter A. Worthy

First Appearance: The Innsmouth Archive

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