Dana Katherine Scully

Who's That Girl?

Who's That Girl?



  • Height: 5 feet 3
  • Hair: Auburn
  • Eyes:Blue
  • Weight: N/A
  • Blood Type: N/A
  • Address:107 E. Cordova Apt. 35, Washington, D.C.
  • Phone: Home: (202) 555-6431, Cellular: (202) 555-3564, 555-0113 [in movie], (202) 555-0166 ["Drive"], 555-2350 [according to official business card] ; At FBI Academy: (703) 555-2804
  • E-mail address:Dana Scully, 001013, D_Scully@FBI.gov
  • Born: 02/23/64, Sunday
  • Raised: San Diego, CA; 3170 W.53rd Road, Annapolis, MD, and perhaps elsewhere
  • Heritage: I have been informed that Scully must have some Irish background.
  • Religion:Catholic
  • Marital Status:Single
  • Family: father deceased December 1993
  • Mother: Margaret "Maggie" Scully
  • Father: Captain William Scully, USN; served in the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Siblings:
    Older Brother: William Scully Jr. (Bill), wife Tara, child Matthew, born early Jan. 1998
    Older Sister: Melissa Scully, deceased mid-April 1995
    Younger Brother: Charles Scully
  • Pets: Dog Queegqueg, Pomerian, adopted October 1995, killed by attack spring 1996
  • Education:
    High School: N/A
    College: First year undergraduate at University of California, Berkeley, graduated University of Maryland, B.S. in Physics 1986, senior thesis: "Einstein's Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation," took German as a foreign language
    Medical School: Medical degree, specialty unknown, residency in forensic pathology
    FBI Academy, Quantico, VA: Immediately after medical school Classmates: Tom Colton, Marty Neil
  • FBI: Joined 1990, current status as Special Agent, partner Fox Mulder as of 03/21/92
  • Badge number:JTT0331613, ID #2317-616, other ID X197735VW3
  • Weapon: Smith and Wesson 1056, 9mm, FBI standard issue: Sig Sauer 226
  • Prior assignments/FBI career history:
    1990: Joins the FBI directly out of medical school. Teaches at the Academy for two years.
    March 6, 1992: Sent as a "debunker," Agent Dana Scully is assigned to Mulder as his partner.
  • Other nickname/aliases: Called Starbuck by father
  • Smallpox vaccination number: 29510
  • Distinguishing features: abduction scar at base of neck; abduction X-File X73317
  • Other misc. data: Wears gold-cross necklace given by mother on her 15th birthday...however, it seemed to be more like Christmas time in "Christmas Carol/Emily." Smoked cigarette at age 14 secretly, and also in "Syzygy" due to the weird planetary alignment. Wears glasses for close-up work and reading. While instructor at Academy, had year-long relationship with Agent Jack Willis, who had a shared birthday of Feb. 23. Gave him engraved watch Feb. 23, 1992. High school love of her life was Marcus, also her date to the prom of Spring 1983. Wore braces circa 1977.
  • Fears/Hates: sick bastards like Donnie Pfaster, not to mention the Flukeman; girlie clothing and the color pink (I imagine she fears it less than Pfaster, but she does)

Also thanks to: Alayna for the girlie clothing and the color pink reminder.





Character Dossiers

For the Detail-Obsessed X-Phile